
學年 108
學期 1
發表日期 2019-11-18
作品名稱 社區紀錄片的教與學:專案式課程 與 USR計劃的結合
作品名稱(其他語言) Teaching and Learning in the Documentary on Community: A Combination of Project Based Curriculum and USR Program
著者 Weitsy Wang
會議名稱 【第一屆教與學國際跨校聯盟會議】 高等教育的教學中導入永續發展與社會責任研討會The first Joint Conference on Learning and Teaching: 2019 Embedding Sustainability and Social Responsibility in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
會議地點 i-College, 台北醫學大學跨領域學院
摘要 Abstract This program has entered eighth year since August 1, 2012 up till now. Through the concept of “participatory mode of documentary”, and “narrative communication”, this program leads the team of teachers and students to be integrated into the lives of local residents, and to using camera and interview recording their stories. It is to convey the perspective of the community through the USR program taking action. This program combines the two practical courses. Students start to learn early-stage field surveys, interviews, filming, shooting pictures, post-stage editing and sound mixing, copywriting visual design, writing interview editing, all art designs and curation. The results of teaching are 1. Cultivate the media professionals for local concern. 2. Spontaneous and active learning, facing problems, and solving problems. 3. The quality of the work is improved, and the touching moments continue. In the past, teaching was centered on teachers, but now it is student-centered; in the past, the focus was on the performance of works on learning, but now it is on the attitude and process of learning; in the past, it focused on lectures and textbooks, but now it focuses on teaching interactions generated by different situations and example sharing; in the past, the learning was more passive, but now it is converted to self-learning; in the past, students pursued personal creation, but now they know how to open up their minds to discuss social issues and care for the people of and the matters happening in the community.
關鍵字 USR program;Community documentary;Tamsui story;Memory
語言 en
會議性質 國際
研討會時間 20191118~20191118
國別 AUS
出處 The Proceediings

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/117852 )