學年 | 107 |
學期 | 2 |
出版(發表)日期 | 2019-07-31 |
作品名稱 | 唐代皇帝巡幸研究 |
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著者 | 古怡青 |
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摘要 | 天子出行,巡幸地方,自古有之。巡幸不僅純為滿足皇帝貪圖享樂遊玩、荒廢政事,甚至被視為亡國害民的暴政。巡幸又稱巡守,亦為巡行視察天子所守的疆土,因此皇帝巡幸更具有重要的政治秩序目的,一是從政治上勵精圖治,巡幸是皇帝接觸基層社會、觀民問俗、了解民情,教化百姓的重要途徑,以此考核地方官員的為政情況,作為重要決策的依據;二是從軍事上宣揚國威,皇帝巡幸之處,監視地方叛亂,加強對各地的控制,也可出塞耀兵、威攝諸藩,確保邊境安全。 本計畫擬進一步探討唐代皇帝在政權穩定時,以訪問巡視地方、來往兩京避暑就食、巡遊名勝、祭奠先賢等目的,多次巡幸的地點、規模與頻率,反映出唐代皇帝巡幸和政權的關係與影響。 皇帝巡幸時,正是最需要安全保衛的關鍵時刻,官人隨駕護衛與否,正是檢視忠誠度的重要關鍵之一。南衙禁衛軍負責唐代皇帝巡幸途中的鹵簿儀衛,以維護軍事安全的護衛職責。皇帝先見之明的軍事部署在於南衙禁衛軍統領北衙禁軍,然而南衙禁衛軍有兵,但無權調動;兵部有部分調動權,但本身無兵。南衙禁衛軍受兵部與十六衛軍令的軍政系統雙重控制,藉此收相互牽制之功。 就禮制而言,《大唐開元禮》記載皇帝出巡時宿衛從駕的鹵簿儀衛,而皇帝巡幸時,正透過鹵簿儀衛彰顯出皇權的威儀;就法制而言,唐代律令規範從駕官人的賞與罰,也是維護皇權的重要象徵。透過本研究計劃,將可更具體了解唐朝皇帝巡幸前的禮制,巡幸途中的鹵簿儀衛與駕行禮制,及巡幸後的辭迎禮及法制規範,並論證唐代前、後期皇帝巡幸在禮制與法制上的變化意義與重要性。 The emperor in imperial progress around the place, since ancient times. The emperor in imperial progress not only purely to meet the emperor's pleasure to play, abandoned politics, and even regarded as the tyranny of the nation to harm the people. The imperial progress, also known as patrolling, is also a tour to inspect the territory where emperor were stationed. Therefore, the emperor in imperial progress had a more important political order. One is diligently in politics, the emperor in imperial progress accessed to grass-roots society as an important decision-making basis; The second is from the military to proclaim the national prestige , the emperor to monitor the local insurgency and strengthen to control over various places, and also to ensure border security. This research project intended to further explore the location, scale and frequency of the numerous imperial progress, for food and cruise sites, and the sacrificial rites of the past during the regime's stabilization in Tang dynasty . This shows that the relationship and influence between the emperor in imperial progress and regime in Tang Dynasty.The emperor in the Imperial Progress was the most needed to safety guard at the crucial moment, the Official escorted together or not, it is one of the key points to view the loyalty. The Southern Commands guarded The emperor in the Imperial Progress by Escort Carriage(lubu) , and maintained the military security duty. The foresight by The emperor military deployed Southern Commands administrated Northern Commands, however Southern Command owned soldiers, but no rights to transfer soldiers; Bureau of Military Personnel had partial rights to transfer soldiers, but itself without soldiers. Southern Commands were controlled the Military order by Bureau of Military Personnel and Sixteen Guards , thereby showed the effect of mutual containment.In terms of the rituals system, " Datang Kaiyuan Li " recorded The emperor in the Imperial Progress by Escort Carriage(lubu) to show the majesty of the imperial power. In terms of the legal system, Laws formulated reward and punishment of the following officials, but also an important symbol of the imperial power. Through the research project will be able to learn more about the rituals system before the emperors in the Imperial Progress in Tang Dynasty, Escort Carriage(lubu) and rituals during the Imperial Progress, and the greeting rituals and legal system norms after the Imperial Progress. Through this research program will be more specific to find out about the change meaning and importance of the rituals and legal system between the early and late Tang Dynasty . |
關鍵字 | 唐代;巡幸;鹵簿;南衙禁衛軍;大唐開元禮;The Tang Dynasty;Imperial Progress;Escort Carriage( lubu);Southern Command;Datang Kaiyuan Li |
語言 | zh_TW |
相關連結 |
機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/117797 ) |