
學年 105
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2017-03-29
作品名稱 Molecular Design of Polymer Heterojunctions for Efficient Solar–Hydrogen Conversion
著者 Jie Chen; Chung‐Li Dong; Daming Zhao; Yu‐Cheng Huang; Xixi Wang; Leith Samad; Lianna Dang; Melinda Shearer; Shaohua Shen; Liejin Guo
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Advanced Materials 29(21), 1606198
摘要 Semiconducting photocatalytic solar–hydrogen conversion (SHC) from water is a great challenge for renewable fuel production. Organic semiconductors hold great promise for SHC in an economical and environmentally benign manner. However, organic semiconductors available for SHC are scarce and less efficient than most inorganic ones, largely due to their intrinsic Frenkel excitons with high binding energy. In this study the authors report polymer heterojunction (PHJ) photocatalysts consisting of polyfluorene family polymers and graphitic carbon nitride (g‐C3N4) for efficient SHC. A molecular design strategy is executed to further promote the exciton dissociation or light harvesting ability of these PHJs via alternative approaches. It is revealed that copolymerizing electron‐donating carbazole unit into the poly(9,9‐dioctylfluorene) backbone promotes exciton dissociation within the poly(N‐decanyl‐2,7‐carbazole‐alt‐9,9‐dioctylfluorene) (PCzF)/g‐C3N4 PHJ, achieving an enhanced apparent quantum yield (AQY) of 27% at 440 nm over PCzF/g‐C3N4. Alternatively, copolymerizing electron‐accepting benzothiadiazole unit extended the visible light response of the obtained poly(9,9‐dioctylfluorene‐alt‐benzothiadiazole)/g‐C3N4 PHJ, leading to an AQY of 13% at 500 nm. The present study highlights that constructing PHJs and adapting a rational molecular design of PHJs are effective strategies to exploit more of the potential of organic semiconductors for efficient solar energy conversion.
關鍵字 graphitic carbon nitride;molecular design;polyfluorene family polymers;polymer heterojunctions;solar–hydrogen conversion
語言 en
ISSN 0935-9648
期刊性質 國外
收錄於 SCI
國別 USA
出版型式 ,電子版

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/113097 )