
學年 97
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2009-06-01
作品名稱 布拉特‧阿庫扎瓦的歷史散文:詩學問題
作品名稱(其他語言) The historical prose of Bulat. Okudgava: poetical questions
著者 龔信賢
摘要 本論文旨在研究阿庫扎瓦(Булат Окуджава)(1924-1997)歷史小說的創新及散文風格的基本藝術特徵。 當前,有關阿庫扎瓦作品的章節已經收入俄國中學及大學教材中。在美國、歐洲及美洲,他的歌曲和小說的譯本已為眾人知曉。 據我們所知,到目前為止,這位作家的作品在台灣並未成為研究對象,儘管他己經是二十世紀下半葉文學研究所關注的中心人物之一。正是這一情況,決定了我們這篇論文的現實性和學術新意。 本文的基本素材取自《可憐的阿夫羅西莫夫》(1965-1968),《淺薄者出逃記》(1971-1977),《希波夫奇遇記》(1969-1970),《與拿破崙有約》(1983)。 補充研究材料選自自傳體小說,不同年代的抒情詩和訪談記。 研究的理論基礎為俄國文學研究家巴赫金(М.М.Бахтин),貝拉亞(Г.А.Белая)博伊科(С.С.Бойко),格爾金(Я.А.Гордин),洛特曼(Ю.М.Лотман)著作。 研究方法上運用歷史起源和類型分類手段分析文學作品。 本文任務、目的乃確定阿庫扎瓦散文作品風格的特點,這也是作家個人詩學的基礎。任何具體的(個人的)詩學研究都是一個取之不盡的題目,它包括審視作品從思想題材到語言手段的各種計劃和水平。因此本文僅限於探討我們認為阿庫扎瓦詩體風格最重要的若干方面。 論文結構: 第一章探討極負盛名的俄羅斯吟唱詩人轉化為歷史散文作家在文學 和生活方面的原因,同時研究阿庫扎瓦作品中典型的主角及其轉化問 題。 第二章表述歷史現實的形式及敍述性組織作品的形式。 第三章分析俄國經典作品及阿庫扎瓦小說某些先例性文本的藝術作用。 第四章關注組織散文作品的抒情方法。 Bulat.Okudgava wrote not only poetry but also songs and works of prose. Among his creative works, his prose has received increasing attention in recent years. During his lifetime, his historical prose rarely received the kind of assessment that it merited. However after his death, Russian literary scholars gradually paid increasing attention to his work. At present, chapters concerning Okudgava's work have already made their way into middle and high school text books in Russia. In Europe, the United States, and throughout the Americas, translations of his songs and works of fiction are becoming common knowledge. As far as we know, Okudgava's works have not to become the subject of research in Taiwan. This situation formed the kernel which prompted me to begin this research and bring this treatise to realization. Any specific poetics research is an inexhaustible topic. This article explores and discusses mainly some of the most important aspects of Bulat.Okudgava's poetry style. Structure of dissertation: 1. Discusses the transforming reasons of Bulat.Okudgava from a bard into a history of prose writer; and at the same time studies the typical lead / protagonist in his works and the problems of transforming his works. 2. Analyzes the style of Bulat.Okudgava's novel and the artistic structure. Studies how the writers use the Russian history material to express the individual innermost tragic personal experience of people in the twentieth century. 3. Analyzes the effect and impact of Russian classical works on history prose of Bulat.Okudgava. 4. Discusses the feelings expression methods of writers on organizing their prose works.
關鍵字 historical prose;poetical questions;bard;poetry;布拉特.阿庫扎瓦;12月黨人;歷史散文;彈唱詩人
語言 other

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