
學年 104
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2016-06-01
作品名稱 圖書資訊學領域開放近用期刊之學術傳播速度: 以論文初次被引用時間來衡量
作品名稱(其他語言) The Scholarly Communication Speed of Library and Information Science Open Access Journals as Measured by First-Citation
著者 尤玳琦; 林雯瑤
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 圖書資訊學刊 14(1), p.151-179
摘要 本研究從期刊論文初次被引用的觀點,利用引用文獻分析法探討圖書資訊學領域開放近用(OA)期刊在Scopus與WoS的初次被引用,以探討OA期刊的學術傳播速度。研究範圍為收錄於2010至2013年版JCR之8種完全OA期刊與13種複合式OA期刊,在2010至2014年間出版的期刊論文。在完全OA期刊中,Scopus有639篇期刊論文被引用,平均初次被引用時間為1.17年,WoS則有434篇期刊論文被引用,平均初次被引用時間為1.37年。在Scopus與WoS中,完全OA期刊論文的初次被引用分別有68.24%與60.13%發生在出版當年及出版後一年。而在複合式OA期刊中,屬於OA機制的期刊論文其平均初次被引用較非OA的文章快。相較於WoS,收錄於Scopus中的期刊論文平均被引用速度較快。本研究建議未來亦可利用Altmetrics的概念,擴大初次被引用的定義範圍,從正式與非正式的傳播管道了解OA期刊的初次被使用速度。 Based on the time of journal article first-citation appearance, this study analyzed the citation speeds of Open Access (OA) journals within Library and Information Science (LIS) field indexed in Scopus and WoS database. Articles published between 2010 and 2014 by a total of 8 Full-OA journals and 13 Hybrid-OA journals indexed by 2010-2013 edition of JCR were collected and analyzed in June 2015. Results showed that there were 639 articles being cited in Scopus and the average firstcitation speed was 1.17 year. On the other hand, there were 434 articles being cited in WoS with a slightly higher first-time citation rate of 1.37 year. Most of the articles studied were cited for the first time in the same year or the year after of its publication. There were some articles being cited even before its official publication. Within the Hybrid-OA journals, articles belong to the OA mechanism did have shorter speed citation time than non-OA ones. This study suggested that further studies could adopt the concept of Altmetrics to investigate the first-usage speeds through the formal and informal communication channels.
關鍵字 初次被引用速度;開放近用期刊;圖書資訊學;Scopus;WoS;First-citation Speed;Open Access Journal;LIS
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1606-7509
期刊性質 國內
通訊作者 林雯瑤
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/106987 )