學年 | 100 |
學期 | 1 |
出版(發表)日期 | 2012-01-01 |
作品名稱 | 雲端行動教材儲存系統 |
作品名稱(其他語言) | Research on Cloud Storage for E-Learning Materials |
著者 | 衛信文; 石維寬 |
單位 | 淡江大學資訊管理學系 |
描述 | 計畫編號:NSC101-2218-E032-003
 研究經費:380,000 |
委託單位 | 行政院國家科學委員會 |
摘要 | With the declining cost and rising capabilities of mobile devices, students can easily use mobile phones, Notebook, Pad, Tablet or other devices to access a variety of information from internet. In addition, there are many electronic resources, such as slides (. ppt) or related documents (. pdf, .doc) for teaching in recent decades. So, in this project, we will take advantage of cloud storage and E-learning materials to meet environmental low-carbon, less paper-oriented trends and developments. Cloud computing environment provides flexible and scalable computing resources, such as computation power and data storages, to end-users. The basic concept of cloud computing is to provide a sharable computation resources or architecture to users. Users can process computing jobs or utilize various services without knowing the infrastructure, provisioning details, and other professional and complex knowledge of the Cloud. In general, cloud computing provides the dynamic extensible and virtualized resources. And cloud services provide applications, software, and data that are usually accessed through browsers instead of installing it onto user’s computer. This project based on the features of cloud computing and services to provide a cloud data storage center for storing and managing electronic teaching materials. The goal of this project is to study how to build a suitable cloud storage system for (1) storing electronic course materials and learning records of students, (2) providing mobile application to users so that the learning processes of students can be recorded, and (3) automatically synchronizing course materials to the students’ hand-held devices. Students can also manually synchronize the course materials to their devices through the QRcode scanning. They can access the service by certificating the authorities with a mobile application (App) or other ways to make all relevant course materials to be synchronized to their devices. In this research, there are many topics can be explored, such as storage resource allocation and management, versioning control, duplicated data elimination, tracing the learning processes of students, privacy and security issues. In this project, we will focus on the issues of data storage management for providing an effective method to utilize storage resource, and we will provide an easy used application to end-users to access the electronic materials. We also consider the optimized resources allocation algorithms to reduce system resource and energy consumption. Moreover, through the development of the experimental systems in this project, users can study everywhere without carrying a heavy bag. Based on the cloud storage service user can easily store and manage their course materials. Carbon footprint and energy consumption can be reduced via applying such a system in teaching environment. 由於行動裝置成本日益下降,裝置能力日益提升,學生可以很容易地利用手機、Notebook、Pad、 Tablet 等裝置存取各種資訊方。加上目前在教學上,有許多的教材都已電子化,例如投影片(.ppt)或 相關文件(.pdf, .doc),因此本計畫結合雲端儲存與學習教材來達到環保低碳,少紙化的趨勢與發展。雲端概念是一種基於網際網路資源互享的一種運算與儲存架構,透過雲端可以共享計算平台所提供的軟硬體資源和資訊。使用者不必了解雲端中的基礎設施、佈建細節、構建方式,以及其他專業且複雜的智識,即可以使用雲端所提供的資源,進行各項運算與服務。一般而言,雲端運算通常透過網際網路來提供動態擴充功能與虛擬化的資源而雲端服務則透過通用的瀏覽器存取的線上商業應用,軟體和資料。本計畫基於雲端運算與服務的特性將雲端視為一個資料儲存中心,利用這個資料儲存中心來進行電子化教材的儲存與資源配置管理,來達成行動電子書包的概念。本計畫的主要研究目標在於如何建立合適的雲端儲存系統,使得所有的教材與學生的學習歷程可以儲存於雲端之上,並透過行動服務,自動地記錄學生的學習歷程,且同步化地將教材送到學生所持有的裝置上,學生可以選擇自動化或非自動化的方式進行教材上的同步。以非自動化為例,若學生將進入某間教室上課,則學生可手動透過教室門上的QRcode 掃描(或者其他方式),透過憑證授權方式(或其他方式)搭配行動服務應用(App),使得課程中所有相關的教材與學生所持有的裝置進行同步。而這樣的系統包含許多研究議題,例如,儲存資源配置與控管、儲存資料的版本控制、重複 資料消除、學習歷程追蹤,個人隱私與安全性問題等。在計畫的執行期間,我們著重於資料儲存的 議題上,提供合適的電子化教材資源管理儲存方法,有效地供給終端使用者電子教材的存取使用,同時考量伺服器端的儲存資源配置最佳化,以降低系統資源與能源的消耗。此外,藉由本計畫之研究與實驗系統之建立,可以達成行動書包的概念,讓使用者不用在帶著沉重的書包進教室,也可以藉由雲端的儲存讓使用者的方便性達到最大化,並減少使用者自行管理的麻煩,讓雲端儲存與學習教材的結合達到雲端學習無紙化的概念與減能省碳的目標。 |
關鍵字 | 雲端計算; 雲端儲存系統; 行動服務應用; 雲端學習; Cloud computing; Cloud storage; Mobile application; E-books |
語言 | zh_TW |
相關連結 |
機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/103181 ) |