
學年 101
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2012-08-01
作品名稱 平衡短期市佔率與長期顧客權益雙重目標之最佳化預算分配
作品名稱(其他語言) Optimal Budget allocation to balance the objective of short-term market share growth and long-term customer equity
著者 曹修源
單位 淡江大學企業管理學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC101-2410-H032-002
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 The current study developed a segment-based market share model (SBMS) to describe how allocating a budget to two programs, to meet customer retention costs and customer acquisition costs, affects the size of customer segments of three representative types, namely inertia, potential switcher, and newly acquired, resulting in market share growth. This work then combined the SBMS and the Blattberg and Deighton (BD) model to devise a method for conducting nonlinear programming and sensitivity analysis with a spreadsheet to balance the short-term objective of market share growth and the long-term objective of customer equity (CE) to arrive at the optimal spending allocation for customer acquisition and retention. We then manipulated the differential unit cost of the marginal effect for customer acquisition and retention and the size of the inertia segment on the focal brand to explore the allocation effect on the two objectives. This approach was applied to data on a shampoo product taken from a 2010 consumer panel provided by Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS), Global Taiwan. We utilized the initial size of the market share and 100% loyal customers, using the empirical data for the two spending programs to simultaneously balance the short and long-term objectives. 本研究提出一個以行為區隔為基礎之市佔率模型(segment-based market share model, SBMS) ,描述獲取新顧客與保留舊有顧客成本之預算分配對慣性客群(Inertia)、潛在轉換客群(Potential switchers)及新獲取客群(Newly acquired)的區隔大小的影響,然後如何決定市佔率成長。除此,本研究結合SBMS與Blattberg and Deighton (BD)模型,透過試算表之非線性規劃及敏感性分析尋求最佳化獲取新顧客與保留舊有顧客成本之預算分配,以平衡短期市佔率成長及長期顧客權益(Customer equity)之雙重目標。為了解獲取新顧客成本與保留舊有顧客成本預算分配之效應,本文操弄差異化之獲取新顧客與保留舊有顧客之邊際效應,及慣性客群區隔大小,以了解為達到平衡短期市佔率成長及長期顧客權益(Customer equity)之雙重目標,獲取新顧客與保留舊有顧客成本之預算該如何分配。本研究之實證資料來源為2010年模範市場(TNS Global Taiwan)所提供之前兩大洗髮精品牌的消費者指數研究(Consumer panel data)之市佔率及100%忠誠度顧客的比率之市場資料,藉此展示本研究之模型與求解方法之有效性。
關鍵字 保留舊有顧客成本; 獲取新顧客成本; 慣性客群區隔大小; 市佔率成長; 顧客權益; Retention cost; acquisition cost; size of inertia segment; market share growth; customer equity
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/103059 )
