
學年 101
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2012-08-01
作品名稱 股東會決議瑕疵之法律問題研究-由日本立法例檢視我國制度上不足
作品名稱(其他語言) A Study on Legal Issues on Imperfection of Resolution of Shareholder Meeting-Examination of Insufficiency of ROC System by a Comparative Study of ROC and Japan Legislation
著者 林麗香
單位 淡江大學公共行政學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC101-2410-H032-074
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 由於股東會決議瑕疵之現行法律規定未必完善之故,實務見解分歧,致爭議 不斷。換言之以得撤銷或無效決議,此二分法區別決議瑕疵之效力是否適當,而 其效力範圍是否明確、瑕疵補正之可能性、決議不成立之瑕疵類型等問題存在。 我國公司法乃仿自日本,所以本研究計畫冀由日本之股東會決議瑕疵法律制度之 考察,包括司法判決與學說見解之歸納,而發現其理論依據,並檢討以此等理論 建構我國股東會決議瑕疵效力體系之可能,使決議瑕疵之效力範圍臻於明確。公 司法第189 條之1 賦予法院裁量權,對於撤銷決議之訴得依該事實屬「非重大」 性且「無影響」性理由而駁回之,然此「重大性」及「影響性」範圍之爭議,由 考察日本制度獲取之啟示與前述決議瑕疵效力体系之建構,則有助於兩者應有範 圍之釐清,並同時有助於法院依公司法第189 條之1 所賦予之裁量權而切斷董事 會決議與股東會連動可能性之判斷。另,股東會決議為公司之意思表示,從而依 此為前提成立之法律關係乃多所存在,然若因股東會決議瑕疵存在致影響決議效 力時,則該等法律關係之效力隨之應如何,實值探討,而才能保護當事人權益。 職是以故,本研究計畫主要考察日本法制,而對比的反省我國之規定,冀能 提出股東會決議瑕疵法律制度之完善內容,而使衍生法律問題之爭議降低。 Because of lack in completeness in current regulations on imperfection in resolution of shareholders meeting, views in practicing such regulations are quite divergent, resulting in continuing disputes. As ROC cooperative laws system is adapted from that of Japan, this study is aimed at identifying the theoretical background of Japan regulations on resolution and at investigating feasibility of establishing a ROC system ,by examining Japan legal system on regulations on imperfection of resolution of shareholders meeting so as to have more clearly defined applicability of imperfection of resolution. According to Article 189-1 of ROC cooperative laws, court is given the jurisdiction to reverse a case regarding revoked resolution based on reasoning regarding its influential-ness and ineffectiveness. Disputes on the applicability of influential-ness and ineffectiveness of resolution can be resolved from the hints obtained in examining Japan system and by establishment of ROC system of imperfection of resolution. In the meantime, such system can help the court's decision on relevant cases by separating the possible interconnections between resolution of directors board and shareholders meeting. It is worthwhile to discuss the subsequent legal issues associated with resolution of shareholder meeting so as to protect the interest of shareholders. And this study is expected that a more complete content on regulations of imperfection of resolution of shareholder meeting will be proposed, thus reducing disputes on related legal issues.
關鍵字 股東會決議; 決議瑕疵; 決議無效; 決議撤銷; 定足數; 董事會決議; 駁回撤銷決議; Resolution of Shareholder Meeting; Defects of Resolution; Invalid Resolution; Revoked Resolution; Quorum of Shareholders Meeting; Resolution of directors board; Reversing Revocation of Resolution
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/103005 )
