
學年 101
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2012-08-01
作品名稱 探勘意義活動的足跡--影視產業科學化決策系統的原型建構
作品名稱(其他語言) Tracing the Footprints of Meaningful Activities—Constructing a Prototype of a Scientific-Based Decision-Making System for the TV/Film Industries
著者 趙雅麗
單位 淡江大學大眾傳播學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC101-2410-H032-044-MY2
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 This project is mainly to sketch threads of thoughts of the contemporary mass as they engage in a variety of meaningful activities via conducting an internet-based data analysis by the technique of text mining. By doing so, this study intends to draw the essence of TV/film viewing activities, and furthermore, to grasp multiple relationships in terms of “differences, similarities; competition and collaboration” between the TV/film viewing activities and those of other types of meaningful activities. Finally, this study is aimed to develop a set of theoretical tools as a supporting system of the scientific decision-making process for the TV/film industries. The research will be conducted in three stages over a span of three years. The first stage will focus on constructing theories and planning an analytical framework via collection and inferences of relevant theories, in-depth interviews with experts. Year two will be based on the foundation laid in stage one, conducting an empirical data analysis and designing of a scientific based decision-making tool. Finally, this research will survey and revise the decision-making tool of scientific based by applying this system in a real TV/fim production case. 本研究主要透過意義科學的分析架構,搭配文字探勘技術(text mining)進行網路 資料的分析,以勾勒出當前社會大眾從事意義活動的行動脈絡。希望藉此掌握影視收視 活動的本質,以及影視收視活動與其他類型之意義活動彼此間的「異、同、競、合」關 係,並據此建置一套協助影視產業進行科學化決策的理論工具。 本研究分成三個階段,第一階段主要透過理論文獻的整理與深度訪談,進行理論 建構與資料分析架構的規劃,第二階段則是依據第一階段所發展出的架構與基礎,進行 實證資料分析與科學化決策工具的設計,最後階段,則是透過參與一實際影視節目的產 製案例,對此一科學化決策工具進行檢視與修正。
關鍵字 意義科學; 意義活動; 傳播理論; 文字探勘; 影視產業; the science of meaning; activities of meaning; communication theory; text mining; TV and film industry
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/102829 )
