
學年 102
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2013-08-01
作品名稱 謙虛對成就者和讚美者面子感受的影響
作品名稱(其他語言) The Effects of Modesty on the Face Feelings of Achievers and Admirers
著者 韓貴香
單位 淡江大學通識與核心課程中心
描述 計畫編號:NSC102-2410-H032-025-SSS
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 相較於西方,華人對自己的成就謙虛是一普遍且自然的現象。對此,相關的文獻主要有兩種解釋,其一為東方集體主義的影響,集體主義強調 人際關係的和諧,社會規範約制人們不可以對自己的成就或能力做過度的吹捧,以保護別人的面子;其二則是社會腳本的觀點,此觀點認為,在華人的人際互動中,成就者雖然對自己的成就表達謙虛,但藉由讚美者否認成就者的謙虛,並對其成就表達更大程度讚美的過程,成就者便可以藉讚美者之口提升面子。值得注意的是,若依前述第一種社會規範的觀點,成就者對自己的成就謙虛是為了保護他人(互動對象)的面子,而第二種社會腳本的觀點則認為,成就者謙虛並非保護互動對方的面子,而是換來自己更高的面子。很明顯的,此兩種觀點對於華人在人際互動中,成就者之所以謙虛,重點究竟是保護對方或增進自身的感受在觀點上並不一致。本研究即是想檢驗:1.成就者謙虛與否與互動對象的面子感受之關係究竟如何;2.讚美者對成就者的謙虛給與再讚美與否對成就者的面子感受之影響效果如何;以及,3.成就者因讚美者有否再讚美所感到的面子差異程度相較於 成就者的謙虛與否對讚美者的面子影響程度孰大。研究希望能藉著回答這些問題來釐清:成就者謙虛究竟是為讚美者或為自己帶來面子。 In Confucian societies, there are two points of view to interpret why people are modest to their achievements. One is Collectivism in the Orient, Collectivism emphasizes interpersonal harmony; therefore, social norms constrain people from boasting their own achievements in order to protect others’feeling of face. On the contrary, the perspective of social script points out that although people are modest to their achievement, through the admirers’denial of their modesty and offering more intensive compliments, achievers can earn more face for themselves. Apparently, the reason for people’s modesty is different from the view of Collectivism to social script. One emphasizes the admirer’s face and the other strengthens the face of achiever. The main purpose of this study is to clarify whether the effects of achievers’ modesty is to protect the admirer’s feelings of face or it in fact is to enhance the achiever’s own face by examining: 1.the effects of achiever’s modesty (or not) on admirer’s face; 2. the effects of admirer’s compliments (or not) on achiever’s face; and, 3. the difference of effects from achiever modest or not (on admirer’s face) to the effects of admirer compliment or not (on achiever’s face).
語言 zh_TW

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