
學年 102
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2013-08-01
作品名稱 反傾銷政策的跨國連鎖效果
著者 高國峯
單位 淡江大學產業經濟學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC102-2410-H032-017
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 隨著經濟的整合與世界貿易組織的推動,傳統貿易保護工具的使用受到了極大的規範,取而代之的,反傾銷政策的使用逐漸地頻繁了起來。在最近的三十年間,制訂反傾銷法令的國家開始快速地增加,同時,實施反傾銷政策的國家早期以已開發國家為主,時至今日,Zanardi (2004)指出,啟動反傾銷調查的開發中國家,也有快速增長的趨勢,反傾銷政策已經成為了各國的重要貿易保護手段。 在文獻上,我們可以找到許多反傾銷政策的保護效果與福利效果的分析,但是,這些文獻上的討論卻侷限於單一國家實施反傾銷政策的效果,而忽略了兩國之間的反傾銷政策實際上是互有往來的,亦即,反傾銷的報復。最近的報導指出:美國於2012/11/7對中國之太陽能電池及組件課徵反傾銷稅,而中國則在同年的11/26對美國的太陽能級多晶硅產品發起反傾銷調查(多晶硅產品為太陽能電池及組件之主要原料)。而本計畫旨在討論此種國與國之間反傾銷政策的互動及其形成的原因。 我們利用一個兩國模型來討論反傾銷政策的連鎖效果,另外,我們亦將檢視:當存在反傾銷政策的連動效果之下,廠商、消費者剩餘與社會福利的變化,並檢驗廠商提出反傾銷訴訟的誘因會因為連動效果的存在而加強或減少。本計畫可以補足文獻上的不足並提供新的政策意涵。 With the economic integration and the effort of World Trade Organization (WTO), the usage of traditional trade protection policies subjects to severe specifications. The anti-dumping policy becomes more and more popular instead. Meanwhile, Zanardi (2004) indicates that there are more and more developing countries using anti-dumping policy to protect their domestic firms from foreign competition. In the literature, there are vast papers trying to explain the reason of dumping and discussing the protection effect and the welfare effect of anti-dumping policy. However, they assume there is only one country implements the anti-dumping policy and ignore the fact that the anti-dumping policy may have chain effect among countries. For example, the U.S. government charges anti-dumping duty on solar modules from China at 2012/11/7; the China government initiates a new anti-dumping investigation on polycrystalline silicon (a major input for producing solar modules) from U.S. at 2012/11/26. This kind of behavior is treated as trade retaliations. This project aims to explain the formation and the chain effect of anti-dumping policy among countries. We use a two countries model to investigate the chain effect of anti-dumping policy among countries. Moreover, we would like to examine the incentive of the firms for initiating a new anti-dumping investigation and check the welfare changes when there is chain effect of anti-dumping policy. This project, if accomplished, can full up the gap of literature and provide some new policy implications.
關鍵字 傾銷; 垂直相關市場; Dumping; Vertically Related Markets
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/101161 )
