
學年 75
學期 1
發表日期 1986-12-18
作品名稱 北伐時期基督教知識分子對國事的反應
作品名稱(其他語言) The Response of Christian Intellectuals to National Affairs, 1925-1928
著者 王成勉
作品所屬單位 淡江大學歷史學系
出版者 臺北縣:淡江大學歷史學系
會議名稱 中國近代政教關係國際學術研討會=The First International Symposium on Church and State in China:past and present
會議地點 臺北縣, 臺灣
摘要 北伐初期是中國近代史上反基督教運動的高潮之一。隨著北伐軍的進展,把原本正在發展中的反與非基活動擴大並蔓延開來,此時再加上中共從後推波助瀾,許多在中國的教會都受到攻擊,教產與教勢受到很大的破壞。這些非基的活動一直到清黨後才告一段落。 這次對教會的攻擊對中國教會產生極大的衝擊。教會內部開始產生種種自覺的運動,一方面關切國事,認同革命大義,呼籲所有基督徒共同參與國民革命。另一方面,積極的討論教徒與國家、政治的關係,革新教會舊有制度,排除外人的控制,使得教會開始朝向中國化與本土化發展,從而度過這次教難的考驗,並重新贏得國人的支持與接納。本文即是在探討中國基督教會在受到北伐帶來的衝擊後,對國事與教會內部所做的種種反應。主要資料在目前可利用的基督教刊物、文獻,當時教會領抽的回憶錄和傳記等,同時配合當時中、外政府的檔案和紀錄,以及現代學者對此時期政治、歷史、教會的研究等。 In modern Chinese history, the anti-Christian movement reached its climax in the early period of the Northern Expedition. The nascent activities of anti-foreign and antiChristian elements spread far and wide in the wake of the Expedition forces. Encouraged and supported by the communists, the anti-Christian activists attacked many churches in China" destroying church properties, and menacing the church power. These anti-Christian activities did not cease until the purge operation of 1927. This wave of attacks against the Christian churches made a significant impact upon the churches in China. From inside the Church, there emerged various kinds of awakening movements. On the one hand, their commonly shared patriotism drove them to side with the revolutionary cause, provoking all Christians to get involved in the National Revolution; on the other hand, they began to pay positive attention to the relationship between the church and the state, to refonn the church organization with a view to getting rid of the foreign influence. Consequently, Christian churches accelerated their steps in the direction of indigenization, thereby safely passing through the ordeal of religious persecution, and regaining the once-lost support and acceptance of the Chinese people. In recent years, some scholars began to pay attention to the anti-Christian movement of the period. However, few scholars have done research on the Christian response, which is equally important in order to understand the social and political development of the Christian church. Many Christian responses and governmental policies, which still are current today, had their origin in this period. This paper examines the various responses made by the Chinese churches to the challenges met during the period of the Northern Expedition, responses highlighted by the remarkable adjustments of the church orientation towards the state and politics in general. Primary sources are gathered from the extant church publications and documents, the memories and autobiographies of contemporary church leaders, governmental documents and official records of that time, and modern scholarship on the background of the period.
語言 zh_TW
會議性質 國際
研討會時間 19861218~19861218
國別 TWN
公開徵稿 Y
出版型式 紙本
出處 中國近代政教關係國際學術研討會論文集= Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Church and State in China:past and present,頁267-293

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/97675 )
