
學年 102
學期 2
發表日期 2014-03-15
作品名稱 探討遊程內容之滿意因素 - 以肢體障礙者為例
作品名稱(其他語言) The decisive factors of delighted tour -The case of People with Physical Disabilities
著者 王嘉淳; 許澤宇; 林君儒
作品所屬單位 淡江大學國際觀光管理學系
會議名稱 2014銘傳觀光研討會:鍛造優質觀光產業之創新思維與策略=Innovative Thinking and Strategies to Foster Excellence in the Tourism Industry
會議地點 桃園, 臺灣
摘要 The population of disabilities is increasing every year in Taiwan, the majority is people with physical disabilities. There were many studies value the participation of people with physical disabilities in tour, but most researches focused on exploring travel constraints and motivation, travel satisfaction during the tour was rarely explored. Therefore, this study investigated the decisive factors that affected the satisfaction and dissatisfaction for people with physical disabilities during the tour. This research used the questionnaire to find out the decisive factors of tour satisfaction for people with physical disabilities, researcher then explored the reasons using in-depth interviews. A total of 443 questionnaires were collected, and 11 subjects were interviewed which included people with physical disabilities, the chairman and secretary of Spinal-cord injury association, and the volunteers who participate the tour. The results indicated that the most decisive factor was physical environment and facility; women who had bad condition, cared the company with volunteers; young adults who were more likely to participate exciting and challenging tour; use mobile wheelchair considered transportation as an essential part of tour; frequent travelers cared physical environment and facility more than others. Finally, implications and future development of accessible tourism were discussed. 臺灣地區身心障礙人口數逐年增加,其中以肢體障礙者居多,至今有許多相關研究開始重視肢體障礙者參與旅遊之議題,但是大部分研究著重於探討肢體障礙者參與旅遊之阻礙或動機,對於肢體障礙者參與旅遊過程中真正影響他們旅遊愉悅或滿意度的關鍵因素是鮮少被探討的,因此本研究透過問卷調查及實地訪談了解肢體障礙者對旅遊各項環節之滿意因素。 本研究採用先量後質之混合研究法,研究者先利用問卷結果得知肢體障礙者對旅遊滿意度之重要因素,再以質化深度訪談探討此一族群對此重要因素之原由;研究對象以肢體障礙者為主要研究對象,總計回收443 份問卷;其中並訪談11 位對象,包含肢體障礙者、脊髓損傷者協會理事長及秘書,以及參與無障礙旅遊之服務志工。研究結果發現肢體障礙者在旅遊過程中最重視的因素為硬體設施;另外也發現女性肢體障礙者因體能較男性不足,因此較重視服務義工陪同;而青壯年肢體障礙者則喜愛嘗試多元化及富有挑戰性的遊程;使用電動輪椅者在搭乘交通工具時需要較大的環境空間;經常旅遊者則因景點無障礙設施及交通工具不便因此較重視硬體設施部分。最後,本研究依其研究結果提出無障礙旅遊發展之建議。
關鍵字 肢體障礙者;無障礙旅遊;Accessible tourism;People with Physical Disabilities
語言 zh_TW
會議性質 國內
研討會時間 20140315~20140315
國別 TWN
公開徵稿 Y
出版型式 電子版
出處 2014銘傳觀光研討會:鍛造優質觀光產業之創新思維與策略=Innovative Thinking and Strategies to Foster Excellence in the Tourism Industry,頁173-186

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/97524 )
