
學年 87
學期 2
發表日期 1999-07-08
作品名稱 逆向坡均勻水流輸沙之實驗研究
作品名稱(其他語言) A Laboratory Study on the Sediment Transport Along an Adverse Sloping Sandy Channel
著者 李俊生; 林意楨
作品所屬單位 淡江大學水資源及環境工程學系
會議名稱 第十屆水利工程研討會=10th Hydraulic Engineering Conference
會議地點 臺中, 臺灣
摘要 國內外從事輸沙力學之研究學者不乏其人,與渠槽輸沙試驗相關之研究文獻亦不少,惟大部分皆以順坡坡度之輸沙特性為主要探討之對象。但在海岸變遷之波浪溯升過程中水流是沿逆坡往上流動的,而一般對逆坡坡度之輸沙特性研究之文獻卻不多見。本研究針對(材及李,1998)之試驗結果,利用可視化流場之分析以影像擷取處理懸浮滓濃度之方法(陳,1998),再出懸浮滓濃度換算為輸沙量,找出在逆坡輸沙中懸浮滓輸沙量與流量、坡度、顆粒雷諾數間之關係。研究發現懸浮滓濃度分布在流量較小時,呈現較均勻且集中的趨勢分布,而在大流量時懸浮滓濃度則呈現離散度較大的分布趨勢,而懸浮滓輸沙量隨著流量、坡度的增加而增加,卻隨著顆粒雷諾數的增加而減少。 There have been many researchers devoting themselves to the studies of many flume tests on the sediment transport mechanism. Most of these researches were focused on the sediment movement along a sloping bed. During the wave run-up period, the water flow is going up along an adverse slope. The studies on the sediment transport along an adverse slope were rare. This study is according to the results of (Lin & Lee,1998), and use the analyses of the visualized flow field on the suspension concentration (Chen,l998), and try to find the relationship between the suspension discharges and water discharges and slopes and particle Reynold's number .The results show that the suspension concentration is more concentrated on the small discharges and more dispersive on the large discharges. The sediment discharges became larger as the water discharges and the adverse slopes became large. The larger particle Reynold's number cause the smaller sediment discharges then became.
關鍵字 輸砂;逆坡;可視化;Sediment Transport;Adverse Slope;Visualization
語言 zh_TW
會議性質 國內
研討會時間 19990708~19990709
國別 TWN
公開徵稿 Y
出版型式 紙本
出處 第十屆水利工程研討會論文集﹝上冊﹞=Proceedings of the 10th Hydraulic Engineering Conference,頁D9-D15

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/95711 )
