
學年 96
學期 1
發表日期 2007-09-12
作品名稱 平板式薄膜模組作為熱與物質併合交換器之研究
作品名稱(其他語言) Study on the Plate-Type Membrane Module as a Hybrid Heat and Mass Exchanger
著者 張煖; 許泰翔
作品所屬單位 淡江大學化學工程與材料工程學系
會議名稱 2007年輸送現象及其應用研討會
會議地點 臺北市, 臺灣
摘要 本研究利用一個三流體平板式薄膜模組作為具有混合氣液質傳與熱交換功能之裝置,進行薄膜模組作為純熱交換與同時作為熱交換與物質交換之實驗,並在程序模擬軟體Aspen plus之上,利用附加程式之方式建立此平板式薄膜模組之數學模式。模式中採用文獻所報導之四種熱質傳係數關聯式,以與實驗結果進行比較,並藉以探討模組內部之熱質傳特性,以及分析各操作條件與熱質傳係數改變對熱交換量與吸收量之影響。在純熱交換與併合熱與物質交換之情形下,各關聯式與實驗數據之吻合程度不同。針對氨水系統,熱傳阻力之分佈以多孔膜為最大,其次為氣相層,質傳阻力則以多孔膜為最小,氣相層次之,液相層稍高。本研究透過實驗結果證實了此一併合氣液質傳與熱交換功能之裝置的可行性,以及所建立數學模式之適用性。 Experimental and simulation study for a triple-fluid flat-type membrane module as a hybrid heat exchanger and mass exchanger is conducted. The device is investigated for three operation modes, including for simple heat exchange between water/water and water/water/air as well as for hybrid heat and mass exchange between ammonia-water vapor/ammonia-water liquid/cooling water. Simulation model is established on Aspen Plus by adding a user defined unit operation for the device. This mathematical model uses four heat and mass transfer coefficient reported in the literature correlations for comparisons with the experimental results, investigation of heat and mass resistance characteristics, and study of the effects of operating conditions. Under the three modes of operations, the correlations show different degrees of agreement with the experimental results. For the ammonia-water operation, the greatest heat transfer resistance comes form the porous membrane between the vapor and liquid and the vapor phase resistance is the second. The mass transfer resistance of porous membrane is the least, vapor phase is the second, and the liquid phase (ammonia-water solution) is relatively greater. This study has verified the feasibility of the device as a hybrid heat and mass exchanger and the applicability of the model.
關鍵字 薄膜;熱交換;質量交換;氨水;吸收;Membrane;Heat exchange;Mass exchange;Ammonia;Absorption
語言 zh_TW
研討會時間 20070912~20070912
國別 TWN
公開徵稿 Y
出版型式 紙本
出處 2007年輸送現象及其應用研討會論文集,4頁

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/94968 )
