學年 | 102 |
學期 | 1 |
出版(發表)日期 | 2013-09-01 |
作品名稱 | 參數化設計於建築設計過程中的意義與應用 |
作品名稱(其他語言) | Applications and Meanings of Parametric Design in Architecture |
著者 | 陳珍誠 |
單位 | 淡江大學建築學系 |
描述 | 計畫編號: NSC101-2221-E032-065
 研究期間: 201208~201307
 研究經費: 598,000 國科會研究計畫報告 |
委託單位 | 行政院國家科學委員會 |
摘要 | 由於今日電腦硬體運算速度的加速,加上軟體演算法與介面的演進,傳統電腦輔助設計系統中所主要仰賴的機制:「參數化設計」不再只是系統內建的設計圖塊與圖庫而已,而是已經被轉變成為可以被設計者「客製化」的設計工具。設計者對於電腦的使用已經由電腦輔助繪圖進入到電腦輔助設計、設計運算、與電腦輔助製造的各個階段。以往被設計者視為畏途的電腦程式撰寫,也因為更加友善的腳本撰寫介面,使得設計者不必完全理解電腦程式的原理即可自行設計參數化的設計軟體,因此數位設計在近年來產生了許多有趣的新可能與新觀念。 可以被「參數化」的設計問題通常是個被「清楚定義的問題」(Well-Defined Problem)在一個「問題範圍」(Problem Domain)內構成「階層式系統」(Hierarchical System),以「由上而下」或「由下而上」的方式「解決問題」(Problem-Solving)。「參數化設計」幾個重要的觀念如下:一、釐清設計原件中各個子物件之間的關係;二、提供不同設計條件與限制下不同設計的選擇與解答;三、將既有的案例或階段性設計解答加以參數化,以產生相似的設計案例;四、根據不同的設計需求發展相關的參數化模型;五、評估與比較相同參數化模型所產生的不同子設計;與六、設計完成後製造端的參數化數位製造之模擬與實踐。 本研究擬就與「參數化設計」相關的建築史、建築理論、建築案例與國內外文獻回顧蒐集常見的「參數化設計」,對於這些「參數化設計」理論與觀念加以整理與分析。本研究中「參數化設計」的討論分為:建築典例之參數化、空間組織之參數化、結構系統之參數化、皮層紋理之參數化、與數位製造參數化模具之製造,思考如何將新的資訊技術應用於案例研究、建築空間、設計系統、表面組織、與數位製造,以產生討論新的數位設計思維。 參數化設計工具所帶來的建築設計革命,是自現代主義之後又一次重要的典範轉移,建築設計以參數化工具建構新的設計語言。本研究並不是以討論如何產生出複雜的形式為目的,而是探討參數化設計背後所隱含的理論、機制、模型、演算法、意義與侷限。因此,參數化設計將不再只是一種快速方便的設計工具或是再現設計的方式而已,而是一種設計思維,這設計思維將成為聯接設計者與建築設計之間的橋樑,並廣泛的影響我們未來設計思考的模式。
 Rapid developments of current computer hardware and software technologies, computational algorithms, and user-friendly interfaces, make parametric designs are not just build-in blocks and functions for commercial CAD software, but quite easy tools for customized interface of computer-aided design. Designers are now utilizing computer for not only drafting, as well as design, design computation, and fabrication. Before, most designers did not write their own computer programs for their design, however the situation has been changed – designers can develop their own parametric design interface through user-friendly parametric design tools, thus new concepts and ideas of parametric design growing dramatically in digital architecture recently. Normally, a design problem can be parameterized is a well-defined problem, which is organized hierarchically in a problem domain and solving the problem either from a top-down or bottom-up manner. Several important concepts of parametric design are: 1. defining the relationships among design decision factors; 2. providing design selections and solutions for different design constraints; 3. generating similar results for the temporary design solutions; 4. developing parametric models for different design requirements; 5. evaluating different parametric design results; and 6. simulating the parametric models for digital fabrication. This research will first discuss related topics of parametric design includes: history, theories, and cases of architecture, and related topics will be analyzed accordingly. The practices of this research include: parametric design for architectural case studies, generations of space, structural systems, patterns, and parametric molds for digital fabrication for exploring the different aspects for parametric design. Parametric design has brought important impacts for architecture, and it’s another paradigm shift after Modernism. It is not the main issue for this research to generate complicate forms, but to discuss the theories, mechanisms, models, and algorithms behind parametric design. Thus, we anticipate that parametric design is not only an important tool for design, but the state of art for contemporary design thinking, bridging designers and architecture and affecting design decision making in the near future. Rapid developments of current computer hardware and software technologies, computational algorithms, and user-friendly interfaces, make parametric designs are not just build-in blocks and functions for commercial CAD software, but quite easy tools for customized interface of computer-aided design. Designers are now utilizing computer for not only drafting, as well as design, design computation, and fabrication. Before, most designers did not write their own computer programs for their design, however the situation has been changed – designers can develop their own parametric design interface through user-friendly parametric design tools, thus new concepts and ideas of parametric design growing dramatically in digital architecture recently. Normally, a design problem can be parameterized is a well-defined problem, which is organized hierarchically in a problem domain and solving the problem either from a top-down or bottom-up manner. Several important concepts of parametric design are: 1. defining the relationships among design decision factors; 2. providing design selections and solutions for different design constraints; 3. generating similar results for the temporary design solutions; 4. developing parametric models for different design requirements; 5. evaluating different parametric design results; and 6. simulating the parametric models for digital fabrication. This research will first discuss related topics of parametric design includes: history, theories, and cases of architecture, and related topics will be analyzed accordingly. The practices of this research include: parametric design for architectural case studies, generations of space, structural systems, patterns, and parametric molds for digital fabrication for exploring the different aspects for parametric design. Parametric design has brought important impacts for architecture, and it’s another paradigm shift after Modernism. It is not the main issue for this research to generate complicate forms, but to discuss the theories, mechanisms, models, and algorithms behind parametric design. Thus, we anticipate that parametric design is not only an important tool for design, but the state of art for contemporary design thinking, bridging designers and architecture and affecting design decision making in the near future. |
關鍵字 | |
語言 | zh_TW |
相關連結 |
機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/92354 ) |