
學年 90
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2002-07-01
作品名稱 從小布希東亞之行看美國亞太戰略
作品名稱(其他語言) The Bush Administration's Asia-Pacific Strategy
著者 王高成
單位 淡江大學國際事務與戰略研究所
出版者 臺北市:兩岸交流遠景基金會
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 遠景基金會季刊=Prospect Quarterly 3(3),頁75-102
摘要 今年二月小布希總統分赴日本、南韓及中國大陸訪問,顯示出美國對亞太地區的重視。本論文認為小布希政府係採現實主義的外交理念,重視國家利益及權力,其亞太戰略的主軸是「聯友制 『中』」,同時對中共「既制衡又交往」。惟於911事件後,美國的亞太戰略作了局部調整,包括改善與「中」、俄的關係,鼓勵日本扮演更積極的支援角色以及強化此地區的反恐行動。在小布希的東亞三國之旅中,透露出美國重視日本、拉攏南韓、壓制北韓及圍和中共的策略。未來在亞太地區美「中 J 將保持既合作又競爭的關係,日本的角色將更凸顯,朝鮮半島將處於不確定的狀態,而兩岸則維持不戰不和的局面。 This paper intends to explore the Bush Administration's Asia-Pacific strategy. It will point out that the Bush Administration has adopted a realistic approach in pursuing its foreign policy. The basic themes of Bush Administration's Asia-Pacific strategy are strengthening democratic alliances and treating PRC with a congagement policy. The occurrence of the 911event has created some changes in the Bush Administration's Asia-Pacific strategy. They are the improvement of U.S. relations with both Russia and PRC and the enhancement of Japan's political and military roles in the area. President Bush's recent East Asia trip has further exposed U.S. polices of strengthening alliance relations with Japan and South Korea, suppressing North Korea and cooperating with PRC. The Bush Administration's Asia-Pacific strategy may have impacts on the future security in this area: the Sino-U.S. relations being both cooperative and competitive, Japan's role being increasing, the situation in Korean Peninsula being uncertain, and the cross-strait relations being in stalemate.
關鍵字 現實主義;911事件;圍堵交往;美日同盟;南北韓關係 Realism;The 911 event;Congagement;U.S.-Japan alliance;North-south Korean relations
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1560-1696
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 紙本

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