
學年 99
學期 1
發表日期 2010-11-30
作品名稱 廣播市場開放的多元化與地方化效果之研究
著者 莊春發
作品所屬單位 淡江大學產業經濟學系
出版者 臺北市:行政院公平交易委員會
會議名稱 第18屆競爭政策與公平交易法學術研討會
會議地點 臺北市, 臺灣
摘要 本文參酌Napoli (2009) 多元化的定義,將抽象的多元化與地方化概念轉化為可衡量的具體指標,並以我國廣播產業十梯次執照開放,對多元化與地方化的影響效果為分析對象。研究所獲得的結果為: (1)政府十梯次的廣播執照釋出,若以廠商數觀察,多元化指標會因為廠商數的大量增加而大幅增加。但若依據本文提出的多元化衡量計算方法,剔除聯播聯營以及電台大小功率發射面積的影響,則十梯次執照開放政策對廣播來源的多元化助益,其實僅增加區區的27% 。 (2)最重要的內容多元化,因為既有法律廣播電視法第十六條,已經將它限定為新聞及政令宣導節目、教育文化節目、公共服務節目、大眾娛樂節目等四種類型,且對播出時間分配亦進行嚴格管制,很難有調整的空間。 (3)當前廣播電台的經營型態,許多廣播電台的播出形式是與聽眾以電話連線的方式進行,不是聽眾Call-In 進入廣播電台參與節目的進行,就是由廣播電台節目的主持人Call-Out訪問特定的閱聽人,請該特定閱聽人對特定之議題發表意見。有系統的提供廣播節目時間,讓社會人士或閱聽人從事廣播之節目之情形並不多見, (4)地方化指標的衡量,則以各地人口佔全國人口的比例為基準,再與各地電台數的比例或各地電台涵蓋面積比例加以比較,發覺其與人口數比例並不相符,顯示地方化仍有改進的空間。This article transforms the concepts involving diversification and localization into a concretely measurable indicator in line with the Napoli's (2009) definition of diversification. The impacts of the lOth tier permission to broadcasting licenses on diversification and localization are concurrently analyzed. The results are summarized as follows: 1. While observing by number of firms, the conventional diversified indicator would be substantially enhanced as firm number increases. Nevertheless, once using the calculation method of this paper, the measure of license permission merely increased the diversification of broadcasting sources by 27%, under ruling out the latent influences of radio hookup and the differences in coverage areas of high- and low- transmission powers. 2.For the diversification of broadcasting content, which is the most vital, the room to further adjustment seems quite restrained. It is due to that the Broadcasting Acts 16 had already prescribed the programs into 'news and policy proclaim', 'educational and cultural', 'public service' and 'mass population entertainment', while the schedule allocation of the four types programs is also controlled strictly. 3. To the topic of consumers utilizing broadcast resource proximally, referring to Chuang'S (2009) survey, radio is the mainstream. Meanwhile, the locations receiving broadcast seem unrestricted and are mainly in car or at home. 4.As for the measurement oflocalization, which is measured as the ratio of' population over national population' to 'local number of broadcasters national number of broadcasters', it is implied that there is still quite a fe\l room for improvement. This article transforms the concepts involving diversification and localization into a concretely measurable indicator in line with the Napoli's (2009) definition of diversification. The impacts of the 10th tier permission to broadcasting licenses on diversification and localization are concurrently analyzed. The results are summarized as follows: 1. While observing by number of firms, the conventional diversified indicator would be substantially enhanced as firm number increases. Nevertheless, once using the calculation method of this paper, the measure of license permission merely increased the diversification of broadcasting sources by 27%, under ruling out the latent influences of radio hookup and the differences in coverage areas of high- and low- transmission powers. 2. For the diversification of broadcasting content, which is the most vital, the room to further adjustment seems quite restrained. It is due to that the Broadcasting Acts 16 had already prescribed the programs into 'news and policy proclaim', 'educational and cultural', 'public service' and 'mass population entertainment', while the schedule allocation of the four types of programs is also controlled strictly. 3. To the topic of consumers utilizing broadcast resource proximally, referring to Chuang's (2009) survey, radio is the mainstream. Meanwhile, the locations of receiving broadcast seem unrestricted and are mainly in car or at home. 4.As for the measurement oflocalization, which is measured as the ratio of 'local population over national population' to 'local number of broadcasters over national number of broadcasters', it is implied that there is still quite a few room for improvement.
語言 zh_TW
會議性質 國內
研討會時間 20101130~20101130
通訊作者 莊春發
國別 TWN
出處 第18屆競爭政策與公平交易法學術研討會論文集,頁47-72

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/85153 )
