
學年 98
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2010-04-01
作品名稱 ATR-72飛機積冰現象之空氣動力特性分析
作品名稱(其他語言) Aerodynamic Performance Analysis of ATR-72 Aircraft under Ice Accretion Condition
著者 宛同; Wan, Tung ; 朱家輝; Chu, Jia-Hui; 官文霖; Quan, Wen-Lin
單位 淡江大學航空太空工程學系
出版者 台南市:中國航空太空學會
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 航空太空及民航學刊. 系列B 42(1),頁19-27.
摘要 某ATR-72飛機因遭遇積冰而失事墜毀於澎湖外海。本文針對此台灣境內首例因積冰失事之案件,參考飛行安全委員會失事報告,模擬ATR-72飛機二維外形下主翼與水平尾翼遭遇積冰狀態之升阻力係數與力矩係數相關變化,更進一步利用飛行力學分析軟體,探究在三維外形下積冰現象對飛機性能參數之影響。模擬計算結果發現,在二維狀態下翼面積冰外形越不規則,其升力係數將越趨遞減,阻力係數隨之提高;在水平尾翼上之積冰將減少其負向升力,導致負向力矩之增加,水平尾翼氣流提前分離造成失速狀態,將使機首產生一突然向下之俯仰力矩,對飛行安全上造成極大之威脅。 An ATR-72 airplane encountered ice accretion to crash was the first ice accretion accident case ever in Taiwan. This research is based on Aviation Safety Council accident report, and taking this case for numerically simulating aerodynamic coefficients of main wing and horizontal tail under several two-dimensional icing conditions. The two-dimensional iced airfoil shapes are achieved, and the results are extended to three-dimensional and then use the flight simulation software DATCOM to analyze the aircraft performance behavior. Results show that in two-dimensional consideration the airfoil ice shape is more anomalous; their lift will hastily decreasing and drag will increase. In addition, this ice accretion phenomenon will cause the horizontal tail to stall ahead of time. When tail stalls, the downward force is lessened or removed and nose of the airplane can severely pitch down, thus leads to threaten the flight safety and might be the major cause of ATR-72 accident.
關鍵字 積冰;空氣動力分析;水滴運動方程式;ATR-72;Ice accretion;Aerodynamic analysis;Droplet equation of motion;ATR-72
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1990-7729
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/83696 )
