
學年 101
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2012-12-15
作品名稱 國小弱勢學生數學教科書轉化及教學介入之研究-以成就目標導向與學習成就之改變為例
作品名稱(其他語言) Mathematics Textbook Transformation and
 Instructional Intervention for Disadvantaged
 Elementary School Students: Changes in
 Mathematics Achievements and
 Goal Orientation
著者 黃儒傑
單位 淡江大學課程與教學研究所
出版者 Taipei: National Institute for Compilation and Translation
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 教科書研究=Journal of Textbook Research 5(3),頁59-98
摘要 This study was designed to determine changes in the mathematics achievements and goal orientations among disadvantaged students after instructional intervention in textbook transformation and instructional intervention for disadvantaged students. There were eight disadvantaged students in this instructional intervention. Factor analysis, MANOVA, and covariance analysis were used in data analysis. Several important findings were discovered. First, prior to instructional intervention, the achievement goal orientations of disadvantaged students were no different from those of other students, but their mathematics achievements were lower than those of others. Second, after instructional intervention, the achievement goal orientation of disadvantaged students became higher. Finally, after instructional intervention, the mathematics achievements of disadvantaged students became higher, too. 本研究針對弱勢學生進行教科書轉化與教學介入,以提升弱勢學生的成就目標導向與數學學習成就。其中,教科書轉化係融入自我調整學習策略,並依據因應弱勢學生學習的教材設計原則,進行設計,並由研究者針對8 名弱勢學生進行教學介入。研究設計係採前後測設計,在教學介入前後均實施成就目標導向問卷及數學學習成就測驗,並以該校五年級學生161 人的分數做為參照比較標準。問卷資料經採因素分析、多變量變異數分析、多變量相依樣本平均數考驗及共變數分析後,發現一些重要結論。首先,教學介入學生在教學介入前之數學成就測驗分數,顯著低於未教學介入學生,惟其成就目標導向不具有顯著差異。其次,教科書轉化的教學介入,能夠顯著提升教學介入學生之趨向表現層面的成就目標導向。最後,教科書轉化的教學介入,亦能顯著提升教學介入學生之數學成就。
關鍵字 教科書轉化; 弱勢學生; 成就目標導向; 學習成就; Textbook transformation; disadvantaged students; achievement goal orientations; mathematics achievement
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1999-8864
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/80392 )
