
學年 100
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2011-08-01
作品名稱 地方治理機制設計與鞏固-英國地方治理的發展與挑戰
作品名稱(其他語言) The Development and Challenge of Uk Local Governance
著者 黃琛瑜
單位 淡江大學公共行政學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC100-2410-H032-052
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 英國地方治理的發展與挑戰 本研究計畫旨在探討,英國於新工黨政府 (1997年至2010年) 以及保守黨與自由民主黨組成的聯合政府 (2010至今) 時期,英國地方治理的發展與挑戰。英國自1997年新工黨政府上台後,於英格蘭、蘇格蘭、威爾斯、與北愛爾蘭等四個地區積極推行地方分權,發展出迥異的治理模式。本計畫的研究目的,主要有二。一方面,在實證層面,本計畫希望探究英國地方治理的模式,特別是英國在英格蘭 (以大倫敦政府為代表)、蘇格蘭、威爾斯、與北愛爾蘭等四個區域的地方治理模式,有何重要的發展與差異。同時,本計畫希望探討在地方治理的發展過程中,英國遭遇到何種主要困難與挑戰,而英國採取何種策略作出回應。另一方面,本畫嘗試運用「聯合型政府」 (joined-up government) 為理論架構,探討該理論在解釋英國地方治理的發展歷程與策略時,究竟展現何種理論優點與侷限。英國新工黨政府於1997年上台後,積極推動「聯合型政府」 (joined-up government) 的改革計畫,該計畫主要內涵與目標,在於透過跨部會整合,強化政府政策的整合與協調。有關「聯合型政府」的實務發展與學理探討,自此之後便蓬勃發展,並逐漸成為一項新興的重要研究領域。綜言之,本研究希望透過英國的個案分析,進行英國地方治理模式之理論與實證研究。而英國面對地方分權的挑戰,所展現的策略與制度回應,亦可成為「五都選舉」後台灣地方治理的未來發展,值得參考見借鏡的一個重要經驗。 The Development and Challenge of UK Local Governance This research project attempts to undertake a case study of the development and challenge of UK Local Governance during the New Labour government (1997-2010) and the Coalition Government formed by the Conservative Party and the Liberal Democrats (since 2010). After the election of the New Labour government n 1997, the UK government has attempted to give certain powers to the devolved governments in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The objective of the research project is two-fold. On the one hand, in terms of the empirical study, this research project examines the different models of local governance in English regions (with a particular focus on the Greater London Authority, GLA), Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Also, the research project explores the difficulties, challenges, and strategies occurred in the development process of UK local governance. On the other hand, this research project highlights the theoretical advantages and limitations of “joined-up government” in analyzing the development and strategies of UK local governance. When the New Labour government came into power in 1997, the government set up a range of policy initiatives to support the idea of “joined-up government”, which marked a fresh start in better collaboration and integration across government in the UK. The empirical and theoretical studies with respect to the concept of “joined-up government” have, therefore, developed into a new and flourishing field of research. To sum up, this research project aims to undertake an empirical and theoretical case study of UK local governance. Furthermore, the experience of the development of divergent models of UK local governance in response to the challenges posed by UK devolution will shed light on the future development of local governance in Taiwan in particular after 2010 Municipal Elections.
關鍵字 英國地方治理; 地方分權; 聯合型政府
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/76097 )
