
學年 96
學期 1
發表日期 2007-09-06
作品名稱 Automation Technology and Architect/Engineering Satisfaction
著者 Yang, Li-Ren; Liao, Yu-Han
作品所屬單位 淡江大學企業管理學系
出版者 臺北縣淡水鎮 : 中國土木水利工程學會
會議名稱 九十六年電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會=2007 Conference on Computer Application in civil & Hydraulic Engineering
會議地點 臺北縣, 臺灣
摘要 The purpose of this study was to identify ArchitectiEngineering (AlE) satisfaction-leveraging tasks and common characteristics associated with these critical tasks. To address the primary aim, a survey was conducted to determine correlations between task-level automation adoption and project satisfaction from the perspectives of the AlE group. Identification of AlE satisfaction-leveraging tasks is employed as a way to gain greater understanding of the connections. Also, this study explores the links between automation utilization and project satisfaction in further detail. Task characteristics are investigated as an additional basis for gaining deeper insights into how automation technology usage may impact project satisfaction. A second survey was used to collect needed data from industry professionals. The analyses suggest that degrees of automation technology used in executing the AlE satisfaction-leveraging task may have a significant impact on project satisfaction. The results also indicate that information & data intensive and work procedure-related characteristics can positively influence project satisfaction. 本研究的主要目標為探索專案中影響顧問公司滿意度之作業,以及此類關鍵性作業之共同特性,研究的第一階段利用一資料蒐集工具來調查專案中作業層級自動化科技的採用與顧問公司滿意度之關聯性,並決定對於顧問公司滿意度其關鍵性影響之作業。研 究的第二階段更進一步利用作業特性分析來深入探索自動化科技如何影響顧問公司滿意度,該階段發展出另一套資料蒐集工具來評估此類影響科技效益之作業的共同特性,以解釋自動化科技與顧問公司滿意度之關係。研究發現自動化科技對於顧問公司滿意度具顯著性之影響,此外,研究結果指出應用自動化科技於具有資訊/資料密集與程序相關特性之作業能夠大幅增進專案的滿意度。
關鍵字 自動化;科技;滿意度;特性;Automation;Technology; Satisfaction;Characteristics
語言 en
會議性質 國內
校內研討會地點 淡水校園
研討會時間 20070906~20070907
通訊作者 楊立人
國別 TWN
公開徵稿 Y
出版型式 紙本
出處 九十六年電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會論文集=Proceedings of 2007 Conference on Computer Application in civil & Hydraulic Engineering,頁176-181

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/21825 )
