
學年 99
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2011-06-01
作品名稱 歐洲化與英國中央政府:布萊爾政府個案研究
作品名稱(其他語言) Europeanisation and UK Central Government - A Case Study of the Blair Government
著者 黃琛瑜
單位 淡江大學公共行政學系
出版者 臺北市:中央研究院歐美研究所
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 歐美研究=A Journal of European and American Studies 41(2),頁465-495
摘要 本文旨在探討「歐洲化」對英國中央政府體系的衝擊與重要變革,並以布萊爾政府為個案研究。布萊爾政府於一九九七年開始執政後,對歐洲統合採取迥異於以往的親歐政策。布萊爾政府的親歐政策,象徵英國對歐政策的重大轉變,而布萊爾政府時期,英國中央政府體系在「歐洲化」的衝擊下,究竟產生何種重要變遷?此外,「歐洲化」研究近年來,已發展為歐盟研究的一項重要研究途徑,其要點著重歐盟與會員國之間的雙向影響過程。布萊爾政府的親歐政策,使布萊爾政府在歐洲化過程中,能夠更為正面接受與主動參與歐洲事務。布萊爾政府因而成為檢視歐洲化過程中,歐洲層面與英國國內層面雙向影響之一個值得探討的個案。本文將利用「歐洲化」的研究途徑,分析布萊爾政府時期歐洲化對英國中央政府的實證影響,復探求「歐洲化」的研究途徑,於解釋歐洲化之因果動力的理論優點與侷限。 This paper examines the impact of Europeanisation on UK central government during the Blair government. The election of the Blair government in May 1997 marked a new start for the UK's European policy. Compared to its predecessors, the Blair government adopted a more positive approach to the EU. During the Blair government, what are the changes to UK central government under Europeanisation? Also, "Europeanisation" has developed in recent years as an important approach in European studies, drawing special attention to the two-way interaction between EU and domestic levels in the process of European integration. A case study of the Blair government, which significantly shifted the UK's policy towards Europe, facilitates an examination of Europeanisation as a two-way process of interaction between European and national levels. This case study offers an opportunity to examine the top-down effect of how UK central government "receives" changes from the EU, as well as the bottom-up effect of how UK central government "projects" its interests into the EU. This paper is, therefore, designed with the dual purpose of examining the empirical changes to UK central government under Europeanisation during the Blair government, and examining the theoretical validity of Europeanisation against the empirical studies.
關鍵字 歐洲化; 英國中央政府; 布萊爾政府; Europeanisation; UK central government; the Blair government
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1021-3058; 1991-7864
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/55164 )
