
學年 98
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2010-01-01
作品名稱 理工科系性別文化探究
作品名稱(其他語言) A Study of the Gender(Ed) Culture in Stem Fields
著者 吳嘉麗; 林更青; 高惠春; 葉德蘭; 徐善慧; 戴明鳳; 許秀影; 林昭吟
單位 淡江大學化學學系
描述 研究經費:1,578,000 研究期間:201008~201107 計畫編號:NSC99-2629-M032-001-MY2
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 The present project tries to explore the gender(ed) culture in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields and includes three parts. First of all, the current TFST (Taiwanese female scientists & Technologists) Newsletter is one of the networking and exploring platforms, and the other platform is the newly established TFST MentorNet which will be expanded to include mentoring in addition to info-service for female scientists in general. The second project is to probe the interaction between a minority group and the supporting majority within a scientific community. We will actively initiate the dialogue between the working group of women in physics (WGWIP) and the affiliated departments to the Physics Society, Republic of China (PSROC). By making the diversity and gender issues visible in the community and encouraging the individuals engaging in shaping the community cultures, the driving forces for personal achievements and the development of the community can be reviewed. Along with the gender issue, we plan to make the diversity issues paralleled with the schemas of successful scientific career. The goal is to visit 6-10 departments within the time frame of two years and define a gender-friend scientific environment. The third proposed study tends to investigate through a rhetorical approach how women scientists have managed, in their public discourse, to resolve or resist the mainstream stereotypes and practices long-existing in the primarily male STEM fields and establish their academic careers. The first-year data of analysis come exclusively from the TFST Newsletter in the first proposed study, while the field observation data will be collected during the onsite visits to several Physics departments as planned in the second study of the current proposal. The discourse strategies employed by male and female scientists in their interactions will be identified and appraised in order to plot the gender(ed) culture in the STEM fields. 本整合計畫以探討理工科系性別文化為主題,試從三個角度切入,首先利用兩個 已建立的交流平台—《台灣女科技人電子報》與『女科技社群互助網』繼續出刊,並 擴大後者服務,加入『諮詢』部分。服務對象以學術界女科技人為主逐漸擴增至產業 界,除了已跨入職場的女科技人之外,亦將納入研究生、大學生、乃至高中生。 第二個子計畫主要目的是瞭解少數與多數的互動模式,開啟少數性別群體(如物 理學會女性工作委員會)與物理相關系所間的對話。討論物理各研究領域人才培育與 養成的機制,鼓勵物理科學從業人瞭解個人生涯發展與學群發展的關係,同時討論成 功科學人的概觀如何與學門領域的多樣性、性別議題等產生影響。 第三個子計畫則借重前兩個子計畫之研究方向與管道,聚焦於女性科學家在公共 場域中所發表之論述,包括電子報文章、諮詢互助網的議題及同儕聚會中之口語語料, 分析她們面臨種種科學界主流論述與機制所傳達表現的結構性歧視及窒礙,在公共論 述場域中抵抗及對治的實際策略,並實地觀察她們與男性同儕間之互動交流,以探索 女性科學家如何藉由言談與文字溝通來建構「專業性別少數的自我認同與價值」之可 能。
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/54315 )
