
學年 97
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2009-01-01
作品名稱 情愛聖典譯注計畫Juan Ruis's 'Libro de buen amor'(II-I)
作品名稱(其他語言) Translation of Juan Ruis's 'Libro De Buen Amor'
著者 曾茂川
單位 淡江大學西班牙語文學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC98-2410-H032-080 研究期間:200908~201007 研究經費:232,000
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 本計畫為十四世紀西班牙詩人胡安.魯伊斯作品《情愛聖典》中譯。由於魯伊斯曾 在瓜達拉哈拉的伊達擔任過大司鐸,故亦稱「伊達大司鐸」。這本詩集共1728節、7000 餘行。文體包羅萬象,從聖母頌、寓言到民歌、古詩兼具,作者亦將當時流行的羅馬詩 人奧維德三卷《愛經》編選入內;故內容雖多樣化,但也因此缺乏連貫統合,造成風格 不一,譏諷與嚴肅雜陳:如諷刺教士拜金醜行如〈錢爺的權力〉、詼諧幽默如〈嬌小女 人頌〉。宗教詩方面,以聖母頌為主;世俗詩則表現愛欲。另為配合其佈道,作者亦添 加了不少有關倫理道德、禁欲苦行議題。 有關本書研究汗牛充棟,但本計畫重點在於作品翻譯,這本詩集百分之八十為四行 同韻,但有時也用吟遊詩韻律。有些詩節用半諧音來替代詞尾押韻,音節也由十四擴增 為十六。選韻將成為本書翻譯最大考驗:如不押韻,而以自由詩譯出,仍能照樣呈現原 詩結構音韻之美?如過於重視韻腳,會否因韻害義,忽略本義和意境? Juan Ruiz is the most famous and important Spanish poet of the 14th century. He was also known as the Arcipreste de Hita. The goal of this project will be to translate his book Libro de buen amor (Book of Good Love) into Chinese. This collection of verse includes 1728 stanzas, which total in excess of seven thousand lines. They contain a broad spectrum of styles and subjects, including fables, romantic adventures, religious poetry, anti-clerical satire (490-513, on the power of money) and pastoral verse (Arcipreste´s adventure with a serrana/mountain girl, 950-1042). It is also thought that some of his romantic poems were derived from the Latin poet Ovidius´ “Ars Amatoria”. As in Odes to María his work presented moral precepts, and used parables, allegory, and examples of ethics and asceticism. Rhyme constitutes an important element in the composition of “Libro de buen amor”, in which the majority is written in cuaderna vía poetry, and some using the rhyme of mester de juglaría. Assonance is replaced quite often by consonance, and the alexandrine´s 14 syllables have been enlarged to 16. Special care will be taken when selecting Chinese rhyming words in order to express and maintain the poet´s original idea. It will be quite challenging to establish a new rhythmic structure in Chinese in a free verse way without losing the true meaning of the original stanza while keeping the original imagery and metrical form.
關鍵字 愛; 欲; 人生; 翻譯; 詩; Love; desire; life; translation; poetry

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