
學年 97
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2009-01-01
作品名稱 數位化可動建築表面之實驗與模擬
作品名稱(其他語言) Experiment and Simulation of Kinetic Surfaces in Architecture by Digital Technologies
著者 陳珍誠
單位 淡江大學建築學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC98-2221-E032-040 研究期間:200908~201007 研究經費:502,000
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 前工業革命時期,建築物只是支撐骨架與包被外皮的結合,工業革命之後逐漸的對於建築物的循 環系統加以考慮與設計,例如:給排水系統、冷暖氣機、電路、與安全系統等。今日,更進一步的透 過資訊處理、電腦、與網際網路,建築物被賦予了感覺與數位神經系統。可以想像的是:在未來建築 的許多可能當中,最具挑戰的是如何使得建築物隨著機能與環境的改變,產生不同的反應,進而與環 境互動。隨著資訊與微電子科技的進步,透過真實與虛擬空間的結合,將可以開發出未來建築的另一 種可能。 以往建築表面的發展總是侷限於單一材料上,例如:鋁、鋼、混凝土和木材,而大量製造一直是 建築這個行業在上世紀以來的目標,然而,這些年來在因為逐漸成長的電腦輔助設計與製造技術,使 得製造的技術產生了革命性的改變。數位科技與電腦輔助設計與製造的結合,使得更複雜的建築元 件、組合方式與造型成為可能。複雜度雖然並不一定是品質的保證,然而設計與生產出相互依存度更 高與多功能的元件,將使得建築結構與皮層產生許多更甚於以往的可能與挑戰。 一直以來,建築強調靜態與堅固的重要性因而比較不重視動態的觀念,關於動態的想法與技術大 部份散見於動態藝術、機械、資訊與電機領域。因此,本研究希望整合其他跨領域的知識與軟硬體技 術應用於建築上,透過對於「可動表面」的概念式模型發展、電腦模擬與施作,對於這個新的領域做 出回應。本研究希望藉由探討建築的時代意義與當代電腦科技間相互影響的關係,以展望未來建築的 可能。 Before Industrial Revolution, architecture simply provided human the skeletons and skins of shelters only. Through Industrial Revolution, buildings become gradually own their electricity, vertical circulation, ventilation systems and security systems. Today, throughout computers and Internet, architecture has been giving sensory and neural systems. We can imagine for the possibilities of future architecture, the most challenging issue is how to make buildings interaction through different necessities and environments. The improvement of information science and micro-technologies will enhance the combinations of real space and Cyberspace to develop another direction of future role of architectural design. Recent trends in architectural surface design have developed around the use of singular material: aluminum, steel, concrete and timber. Mass production has had a significant effect on the profession over the last two centuries. However, it has become clear in recent years that the methods of fabrication it established are being rendered obsolete by the growing sophistication and ubiquity of computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM). With the introduction of digital technologies for both design and the accompanying link between CAD/CAM, there are greater possibilities for more complex components, assemblies and building forms. While complexity in itself is not necessary a useful quality, the greater interdependence of components in a building, with a multi-functioning role assigned to building assemblies ensures that building structures and envelopes are working more challenging than ever. Because architecture has emphasized on the static and strength issues for a long time, the kinetic mechanism has not been pay attention in architecture. Thus most of the concepts and technologies of “kinetic” could only be found in kinetic arts, mechanics, information science and electronic engineering. The integration of software and hardware from different disciplines becomes important, and this research will discuss this new field through the developments of conceptual models, computer simulation and real scale mockup. We anticipate this research will reveal new directions for the future of architectural design, as well as explore the relationships between contemporary architecture and information technologies.

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/47036 )
