
學年 97
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2009-01-01
作品名稱 邁向U校園---一個多樣性數位學習試驗基地之建構-子計畫三-促進學習動機的XNA冒險遊戲式學習策略之設計發展與實證
作品名稱(其他語言) Integrating XNA Adventure Game into the Design and Development of Game-Based Learning Strategy to Enhance Student Motivation
著者 鄭宜佳; 沈俊毅; 林其誼
單位 淡江大學教育科技學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC98-2511-S032-003 研究期間:200908~201007 研究經費:833,000
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 本計劃為呼應「無所不在的學習環境」的概念,以遊戲為基礎的方式輔助教學活動。 在活動內容上以XNA簡化遊戲設計開發的時程。教學活動後的學習成果數據輸出供uFolio 的模式進行評鑑與評量。最後輔以教學管理系統進行整體學習內容的整合。本計畫在教學活動中結合第四子計畫研發的線上學習平台。為檢視及評估在遊戲過程中產生的得分數據,本計畫也結合了第六子計畫,由uFolio 進行評鑑與評估部份學習成效的檢視,完成整個遊戲為基礎的學習活動。本計畫所分析設計產出之教學策略與進行步驟,則供第八子計畫用以建構U-School的專業培訓中心。 電腦遊戲與一般傳統教學的不同點在於能提升學生的學習動機、高層次認知能力的培養,以及團隊合作中的互動性。為求提升及確保單元活動品質,且遊戲平台系統與介面設計能符合優使性原則,本計畫將配合第七子計畫,於設計及發展過程中實施使用效能測試進行形成性評鑑。藉由本計畫的執行,預期可了解到電腦模擬遊戲對學習者學習滿意度、學習成效及學習動機的影響,也可做為日後再進行相關類似研究之參考經驗。本計畫第一年預計完成學習策略與技巧單元之設計與發展;第二年完成專業英文之設計與發展;第三年預計執行前述兩單元以達成實徵研究之資料蒐集與分析。 The purpose of this project is to integrate XNA adventure game into the design and development of game-based learning strategy under the main concept of U-school. The instructional activities will be constructed using XNA studio simplify the procedure of instructional design. The results of the instructional activities will be integrated into the uFolio system to perform evaluation and assessment. Additionally, this project utilizes a blog-based learning management system (LMS) to incorporate learning content and facilitate the interaction and communication between the instructors and learners. In this project, the implementation of game-based learning will be conducted by sub-project 4 in the form of multi-dimensional instructions. uFolio, a ubiquitous portfolio and assessment environment for U-school learning developed by sub-project 6, will be implemented to evaluate student achievement. The instructional strategies designed and developed in this project will be incorporated in sub-project 8 to establish a U-school professional training center. Game-based learning differs from traditional learning in that it facilitates imagination, motivation, higher-order cognitive skills, interaction, and collaboration among students. In order to ensure the quality of the instructional materials, the interface of the computer games will be evaluated by means of usability testing during the design and development phases. Empirical studies will be conducted in this project to examine the effectiveness of computer games on student satisfaction, achievement, and motivation. The results will provide suggestions and recommendations for researchers conducting further studies. In the first year of this project, the researchers will design and develop the game-based unit “Learning Strategy and Technique”; in the second year, the researchers will design and develop the game-based unit “English for Educational Technology”; in the third year, the researchers will conduct empirical studies to investigate the effectiveness of the two units.
關鍵字 遊戲式學習; 學習成效; 學習動機; 學習滿意度; 學習策略; 無所不在的學習; Game-based learning; Achievement; Motivation; Satisfaction; Learning Strategy; Ubiquitous Learning

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/47109 )
