
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
093 / 1 Extraction of backgrounds in fluctuating systems 2011-06-09
094 / 1 Superroughening by linear growth equations with spatiotemporally correlated noise 2011-06-09
096 / 1 Statistics of Topologically Constrained Excitations in the Two-Dimensional Dimer Model 2011-06-09
092 / 1 在方型網絡中具有一個缺陷的雙分子結構 2011-06-09
089 / 1 Discerning influences of orientational instability on anomalously roughened interfaces 2011-06-09
095 / 1 Initial-stage Growth Phenomena and Distribution of Local Configurations of the Restricted Solid-on-solid Model 2011-06-09
098 / 1 On the Long-Term Fitness of Cells in Periodically Switching Environments 2011-06-09
089 / 1 Spanning trees on hypercubic lattices and nonorientable surfaces 2011-06-09
091 / 1 由線性成長方程式造成的介面超粗糙現象 2011-06-09
097 / 1 Dynamics of growing surfaces by linear equations in 2+1 dimensions 2011-06-09
093 / 1 The Lognormal-like Distributions in the Linear Growth Equations 2011-06-09
096 / 1 Theory of impedance networks: the two-point impedance and LC resonances 2011-06-09
095 / 1 Anomalous Scaling of Superrough Growth Surfaces: From Correlation Functions to Residual Local Widths and Scaling Exponents 2011-06-09
090 / 1 「超」粗糙的界面 2011-06-09
099 / 1 Efficient scheme for parametric fitting of data in arbitrary dimensions 2011-06-09
093 / 1 Exactly Solved Frenkel –Kontorova model with multiple subwells 2011-06-09
094 / 1 Restricted solid-on-solid model : From local morphology to correlation functions and scaling exponents 2011-06-09
100 / 1 Extensive studies on linear growth processes with spatiotemporally correlated noise in arbitrary substrated dimensions 2012-10-23
101 / 1 Exact solution of a monomer-dimer problem: A single boundary monomer on a nonbipartite lattice 2013-05-15
102 / 1 Mathematical model of heterogeneous cancer growth with an autocrine signalling pathway 2014-07-16
103 / 1 Resolution dependence of the maximal information coefficient for noiseless relationship 2015-03-13