
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
099 / 1 Modeling and optimization of a solar driven membrane distillation desalination system 2011-06-09
091 / 1 利用水溶液結冰現象達到冷度儲存及水處理的雙重目的 2011-06-09
083 / 1 金屬氧化物混合觸媒及混合擔體脫硝反應的效果 2011-06-09
097 / 1 Performance Enhancement of Silicone/PVDF Composite Membranes for Pervaporation by Reducing Cross-linking Density of the Active Silicone Layer 2011-06-09
094 / 1 Preparation of multi-layer silicone/PVDF composite membranes for pervaporation of ethanol aqueous solutions 2011-06-09
095 / 1 Studies on the aminolysis of RTV silicone rubber and modifications of degradation products 2011-06-09
095 / 1 Competition of aminolysis and alcoholysis in nucleophilic cleavage of a model compound for polysiloxane networks 2011-06-09
081 / 1 SiO2-TiO2混合擔體對NOx催化還原反應之影響 2011-06-09
094 / 1 Producing chilled air from ice melting with air time-velocity variations in cool-thermal discharge system 2011-06-09
090 / 1 以抽真空結冰冷度儲存製程前處理廢水之研究 2011-06-09
096 / 1 Nucleophilic Cleavage of Crosslinked Polysiloxanes to Cyclic Siloxane Monomers: Mild Catalysis by a Designed Polar Solvent System 2011-06-09
098 / 1 Modeling and Optimization for a Normal Freezing Cool-Thermal Storage with Wastewater Preconcentration System 2011-06-09
087 / 1 Aminolysis of cured siloxane polymers 2011-06-09
093 / 1 Optimization of a Vacuum Freezing Cool-Thermal Storage Coupled with Wastewater Treatment Process 2011-06-09
092 / 1 滲透蒸發分離酒精水溶液用功能性矽酮/PVDF複合薄膜之製備 2011-06-09
100 / 1 Experimental and simulation study of an air gap membrane distillation module with solar absorption function for desalination 2012-10-23
101 / 1 Wastewater Pretreatment by Normal Freezing Cool Thermal Storage Process with Convective Heat Transfer Mechamism 2013-05-15