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淡江建築系 城市獨立精神之空間定錨─台北溫羅汀
2007-05-23 |
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文建會 公共藝術國際研習營「詮釋與實踐 ─ 公共藝術裡的公共性」
2007-05-24 |
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the Executive Agency for Culture Cities (Ministry of Culture & Tourism), Gwangju City, Korea Con-fronting the Edge of Modern Urbanity
2006-10-13 |
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The House of World Culture Cultural Memory and Urbanism
2006-10-13 |
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文化總會 台灣前衛文件展推行委員會 空間懸置與延異
2006-10-13 |
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Asialink, Australia Altered Spaces: Alternative, temporary and artist-run exchanges
2006-10-13 |
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Cultural Development Network, Melbourne, Australia Artivism: the Role of Arts in Regenertion
2006-10-13 |
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The Australian Council for the Arts, Sydney, Australia Squatting and Legitimizing Treasure Hill, Taipei
2006-10-13 |
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基隆市文化局 文化地景保育的法令困境與策略突圍
2006-10-13 |
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中華民國都市設計學會 信義計畫區之生活風格
2007-05-23 |
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光點台北 火山之盆,繁(體)華(文)之都 ─ 台北地景的自然刻痕與文化印記
2007-05-19 |
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光點台北 悄聲繁衍的地下莖城市 ─ 公館溫羅汀的地景認同與邊界逾越
2007-05-19 |
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光點台北 都市邊緣的浮島 ─ 寶藏巖聚落保存行動的兩難式
2007-05-19 |
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光點台北 河兩岸的懸置與擺盪 ─ 社子與洲美的地景延異
2007-05-19 |
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台大台文所 台北文化地景的閱讀與(再)書寫
2007-05-19 |
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中華民國專業者都市改革組織 「蛻變」兩廳院公共空間論壇
2007-05-23 |
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基隆市文化局 從文化地景到世界文化與自然遺產
2007-05-19 |
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誠品講堂 我城地誌,異地敘事 ─ 都市文化地景的多重文本
2007-05-19 |