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Taiwan Society for Chitin and Chitosan Bioconversion of chitin-containing wastes for the production of enzymes and bioactive materials
2009-09-10 |
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台北縣政府研考會 日本環境永續發展--農水產廢棄物之資源再利用
2010-09-26 |
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國立高雄大學/台灣幾丁質幾丁聚醣學會 Microbial reclamation of the unutilized chitin-containing bioresources
2010-03-08 |
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Chitin Branch of Chinese Chemistry Society Isolation and identification of a novel antioxidant with antitumor activity from Serratia ureilytica using squid pen as fermentation substrate
2010-09-06 |
092 / 1 |
教育部/聯合大學 紅麴與幾丁質資源之應用
1992-08-01 |
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教育部/聯合大學 海洋深層水的開發及應用
1992-08-01 |
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台灣寶島新聲廣播電台 中小企業如何善用政府資源發展生物科技產業
1992-08-01 |
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宜蘭縣政府 台灣紅麴相關產業之發展
1992-08-01 |
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教育部/明志技術學院 海洋生物資源的開發與利用
1992-08-01 |
092 / 1 |
台灣生物科技發展教育基金會 微生物機能之開發與應用
1992-08-01 |
092 / 1 |
衛生署台灣生物科技發展教育基金會 微生物機能之開發與應用
1992-08-01 |
092 / 2 |
淡江論壇 五二0以後的台灣
1992-08-01 |
092 / 2 |
日本大阪府立大學農學部微生物機能開發學研究室 微生物技術於幾丁質資源開發之應用
1992-08-01 |
094 / 1 |
輔仁大學生物技術研究中心、淡江大學生命科學開發中心 2005納豆激、納豆菌保健功效大公開研討會:研討會主持人
2006-03-10 |
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國立聯合大學 微生物所生產幾丁質分解酵素之研究
2007-10-05 |
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台灣幾丁質幾丁聚醣學會 幾丁類物質抗腫瘤活性之研究
2007-10-05 |
095 / 2 |
日本國立鹿兒島大學 Bioconversion of shellfish chitin wastes for the production of bioactive materials
2008-03-11 |
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宜蘭縣政府 生物資源之微生物再利用
2007-10-05 |
095 / 2 |
台灣幾丁質幾丁聚醣學會 蝦蟹殼所含幾丁類物質之微生物再利用
2007-10-05 |
096 / 1 |
天威生物科技公司 酵素水解幾丁類物質所得產物之抗腫瘤活性
2009-05-06 |
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大葉大學 生物產業科技學系 微生物資源的開發與應用
2008-03-11 |
096 / 1 |
聖心女中 微生物資源的開發是無限寶庫
2008-03-11 |
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文化大學化學系 生活與微生物
2008-03-11 |
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中央研究院生物化學所 Microbial reclamation of chitinous materials for the production of enzymes and their application on the development of health foods
2008-06-05 |
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中國化學會 Bioconversion of shellfish chitin wastes for the production of enzymes and bioactive materials
2008-08-21 |
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Nagasaki University Microbial reclamation of chitinous materials for the production of enzymes and bioactive materials
2009-05-06 |
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萬能科技大學 Bioconversion of chitinous materials for the production of enzymes and bioactive materials
2009-05-06 |
098 / 1 |
中興大學 生命科學開發中心 微生物資源的開發於生技產業之應用
2009-07-24 |
101 / 1 |
Wang SL (Invited speaker) Utilization of chitinous materials in pigment adsorption. International Colloquium on Utilization of Bioresource, Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka, Japan, Nov. 12, 2012.
2013-01-12 |
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Wang SL (Invited speaker) Utilization of chitinous materials in pigment adsorption. International Colloquium on Utilization of Bioresource, Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka, Japan, Nov. 12, 2012.
2013-01-12 |
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Wang SL (Invited speaker) Utilization of chitinous materials in pigment adsorption. International Colloquium on Utilization of Bioresource, Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka, Japan, Nov. 12, 2012.
2013-01-12 |
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Wang SL (Invited speaker) Isolation and identification of a novel antioxidant with antitumor activity from Serratia ureilytica using squid pen as fermentation substrate. The 7th National Academic Conference on Chitin of Chinese Chemical Society and International Symposium on the Interdisciplinary Science of Chitin in Chemobilogy and Medicine, Qienchian, China, Nov. 05-09, 2010.
2013-01-12 |
103 / 1 |
Wang SL (Invited Speaker) Exopolysaccharides and antimicrobial biosurfactants produced by Paenibacillus macerans, 2014 International Colloquium on Applied Chemistry and Materials, 04 August, 2014, Kansai University, Osaka, Japan
2014-10-16 |
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Wang SL (Invited speaker) Isolation and characteriazation of chitosanase-producing fungi from Central Highland of Vietnam. International Symposium on Biodiversity of Medicinal Plnts and Microorganisms in Central Highland, Tay Nguyen University, Buon Ma Thuot, Viettnam, April 21-22, 2014.
2014-10-16 |
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Wang SL (Invited speaker) Microbial reclamation of squid. The First OPU-TKU International Symposium on Frontier Chemistry and Materials for the 21st Century, Osaka, Japan, Nov. 18-19, 2013.
2014-10-16 |
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Wang SL (Plenary Speaker) Characterization of chitosanases from the fungi isolated from Central Highland of Vietnam. International Symposium "Mycology: Research and Application in Southern Vietnam", Ho Chi Minh City, November 23, 2014.
2014-10-16 |
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Wang SL (Invited Speaker) Application of squid pen for chitosanase production and as biosorbent. 2nd TKU-OPU & 4th TKU-ECUST-OPU-KIST International Symposium, Tamsui, New Taipei, Taiwan
2014-10-16 |
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11th International Symposium in Science and Technology at Kansai University 2016
2016-09-07 |
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11th International Symposium in Science and Technology at Kansai University 2016
2016-09-07 |
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11th International Symposium in Science and Technology at Kansai University 2016
2016-09-07 |
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11th International Symposium in Science and Technology at Kansai University 2016
2016-09-07 |
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11th International Symposium in Science and Technology at Kansai University 2016
2016-09-07 |
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11th International Symposium in Science and Technology at Kansai University 2016
2016-09-07 |
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11th International Symposium in Science and Technology at Kansai University 2016
2016-09-07 |
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11th International Symposium in Science and Technology at Kansai University 2016
2016-09-07 |
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11th International Symposium in Science and Technology at Kansai University 2016
2016-09-07 |
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11th International Symposium in Science and Technology at Kansai University 2016
2016-09-07 |
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The 3rd International Symposium on Process Chemistry
2016-09-07 |
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The 3rd International Symposium on Process Chemistry
2016-09-07 |
104 / 1 |
The 3rd OPU-TKU International Symposium on Frontier Chemistry and Materials for the 21st Century
2016-09-07 |
104 / 1 |
The 3rd OPU-TKU International Symposium on Frontier Chemistry and Materials for the 21st Century
2016-09-07 |
104 / 1 |
The 3rd OPU-TKU International Symposium on Frontier Chemistry and Materials for the 21st Century
2016-09-07 |
104 / 1 |
The 3rd OPU-TKU International Symposium on Frontier Chemistry and Materials for the 21st Century
2016-09-07 |
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2016 APCBEES Tokyo Conference
2016-09-07 |
105 / 1 |
2016-10-02 |
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2017-12-13 |
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2018-06-29 |
107 / 1 |
Keynote Lecture. The 14th International Chitin and Chitosan Conference (14th ICCC) and the 12th Asia-Pacific Chitinn and Chitosan Symposium (12th APCCS)
2018-12-20 |
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Plenary Lecture. 中國第四屆國際甲殼素會議
2018-09-26 |
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Invited Lecture. 2018 HCMUT-TNU-TKU Joint Symposium on Applied Natural Resources
2018-09-26 |
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Invited Lecture. 2018 DLU-TNU-TKU Joint Symposium on Applied Natural Resources
2018-09-26 |
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Plenary Lecture, 7th ECUST-TKU-KIST-OPU Joint Symposium
2018-12-20 |
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Invited lecture. 2018 Forum on Global Ecology, Agriculture and Rural-Uplift Programs (GEAR-UP)
2018-12-20 |
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2018-12-20 |
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Keynote Lecture, International Conference on Advances in Biotechnology
2019-05-03 |
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2020-06-11 |