092 / 1 |
Improvements on generalized threshold cryptosystems
2010-06-16 |
094 / 1 |
Efficient improvement on Hwang-Chen's multi-proxy signature scheme
2010-06-16 |
092 / 2 |
A proxy automatic signature scheme using a compiler in distributed systems
2010-06-16 |
094 / 2 |
ACM Symposium on InformAtion, Computer and Communications Security
2011-10-24 |
096 / 1 |
An Anonymous Postpaid Micropayment Scheme
2011-10-24 |
089 / 1 |
An attack on Sun et al.'s group signature scheme
2011-10-24 |
097 / 2 |
An Efficient Non-Interactive Deniable Authentication Protocol with Anonymous Sender Protection
2011-10-24 |
085 / 2 |
An improved authenticated encryption schemes
2011-10-24 |
092 / 1 |
Asiacrypt 2003
2011-10-24 |
098 / 2 |
Concurrent Signature Schemes with Anonymity and Identification
2011-10-24 |
080 / 1 |
Cryptographic authentication of passwords
2011-10-24 |
097 / 1 |
A Deniable Authentication Protocol with Anonymous Sender Protection
2014-06-05 |
084 / 2 |
A digitized signature linkage scheme
2011-10-24 |
084 / 2 |
Dynamic secret sharing scheme with cheater detection
2011-10-24 |
094 / 1 |
Improvement of Lee-Chiu's Remote Authentication Scheme with Smart Cards (Lee-Chiu使用智慧卡之遠端身份認證法的改良)
2011-10-24 |
092 / 1 |
National Computer Symposium 2003
2011-10-24 |
087 / 2 |
New multisignature scheme based on one-way function
2011-10-24 |
080 / 1 |
On the design of image databases for concurrent spatial match retrieval
2011-10-24 |
080 / 2 |
Sharing a dynamic secret
2011-10-24 |
083 / 2 |
Some active attacks on fast server-aided secret computation protocols for modular exponentiation
2011-10-24 |
088 / 1 |
Specifiable proxy signature schemes
2011-10-24 |
085 / 1 |
The key distribution protocol for mobile communication systems with untrusted centers
2011-10-24 |
088 / 2 |
The security analysis of two authenticated key agreement schemes
2011-10-24 |
080 / 1 |
2011-10-24 |
098 / 1 |
A New Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol for Wireless Mobile Networks
2011-10-24 |
089 / 2 |
A New ID-Based Public Key Cryptosystem
2011-10-24 |
083 / 1 |
A new verification mechanism on the server-aided secret computation protocols for the modular exponentiation
2011-10-24 |
096 / 2 |
A Practical Anonymous Proxy Signature Scheme with Trusted Alias Issuing Authority
2011-10-24 |
097 / 1 |
A Practical Anonymous Proxy Signature Scheme without Trusted Alias Issuing Authority
2011-10-24 |
093 / 2 |
A Proxy Automatic Signature Scheme Using a Compiler in Distributed Systems for (Unknown) Virus Detection
2014-10-22 |
089 / 1 |
A proxy signature scheme without using one-way hash functions
2011-10-24 |
098 / 1 |
A Ring Signature Scheme with Strong Designated Verifiers to Provide Singer Anonymity
2011-10-24 |
097 / 1 |
A Secure Dynamic Conference Scheme with Anonymity for Mobile Communications
2014-06-06 |
088 / 2 |
A simple multi-proxy signature scheme
2011-10-24 |
100 / 1 |
A simple secret key distribution system
2011-10-24 |
085 / 2 |
A time-stamped password authentication system
2011-10-24 |
100 / 2 |
Comments on Micorpayment Schemes for Multi-Merchants with Anonymity and Untraceability
2012-06-26 |
100 / 2 |
Security Flaws in Zhang and Xu Improved Concurrent Signature Scheme
2012-06-26 |
102 / 1 |
A Delegation-based Unlinkable Authentication Protocol for Portable Communication Systems with Non-repudiation
2014-07-02 |
102 / 1 |
Security Flaws of Off-Line Micro Payment Scheme with Dual Signatures
2014-07-02 |
096 / 1 |
Deniable Authentication Protocols with Sender Protection
2014-06-06 |
096 / 1 |
An Anonymous Postpaid Micropayment Scheme
2014-06-06 |
092 / 1 |
Li等學者一般化代理簽章法的安全分析 Cryptanalysis of Li et al.'s Generalization of Proxy Signature Schemes
2014-06-06 |
097 / 1 |
Practical Anonymous Proxy Signature Schemes without Trusted Alias Issuers
2014-06-06 |
091 / 1 |
Repairing ElGamal-Like Multi-Signature Schemes Using Self-Certified Public Keys
2017-03-22 |
094 / 1 |
Lee-Chiu使用智慧卡之遠端身份認證法的改良 Improvement of Lee-Chiu's Remote Authentication Scheme with Smart Cards
2014-06-06 |
093 / 2 |
Efficient Improvements on Hwang-Chen's Multi-Proxy Multi-Signature Schemes
2014-06-06 |
090 / 2 |
Cryptanalysis of Nonrepudiable Threshold Proxy Signature Schemes with Known Signers
2014-06-06 |
098 / 1 |
A Fast Intra Prediction Based on Haar Transform in H.264/AVC
2014-08-13 |
103 / 1 |
Universal Forgery on Shen et al.âs Linkable and Convertible ID-based Ring Signature Scheme
2015-03-15 |
103 / 2 |
A Ring Signature Scheme with Anonymous Strong-Designated Verifiers
2015-09-15 |
103 / 2 |
Dynamic Group Weakness in Yu et al.’s Identity Privacy-Preserving Public Mobile Cloud Storage Auditing
2015-09-15 |
107 / 2 |
Some Weaknesses on Adjacency-Hash Table Based Public Auditing for Data Integrity in Mobile Cloud Computing
2019-06-12 |
109 / 1 |
Self-Balanced Red Black Trees for Dynamic Public Auditing Protocols
2020-09-16 |
109 / 1 |
An Android Malwares Detector Using Deep Learning Hybrid Model
2021-02-01 |
111 / 1 |
2023-03-09 |
111 / 1 |
A Detector Using Variant Stacked Denoising Autoencoders with Logistic Regression for Malicious JavaScript with Obfuscations
2023-03-09 |