
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
097 / 2 Learning to binarize document images 2011-10-23
098 / 2 擔任銘傳大學舉辦之2010資訊科技與實務國際研討會所之主持人 2011-10-23
098 / 1 A Machine Learning Approach to Classify Sleep Stages of Rats 2011-10-23
100 / 2 A New Validity Measure and Fuzzy Clustering algorithm for Vanishing-point Detection 2012-05-06
101 / 2 Extracting the Critical Frequency Bands to Classify Vigilance States of Rats by Using a Novel Feature Selection Algorithm 2014-07-02
101 / 2 Extracting and Labelling the Objects from an Image by Using the Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm and a New Cluster Validity 2014-07-02
102 / 1 To Develop the Virtual Physics Laboratory by Integrating Kinect with Gesture Classi-fication Algorithm 2014-03-06
087 / 1 利用對稱性在複雜背景中之臉孔定位技術 Human face detection usin symmetry in a complex background 2014-07-17
104 / 1 模擬眼球控制機制之影像追蹤系統 2016-05-23
104 / 1 互動式吉他指法訓練系統 2016-05-23
104 / 1 結合平板與嵌入式系統之互動式電子畫布 2016-05-23
104 / 1 閱讀障礙者之互動式有聲電子書 2016-05-23
103 / 1 An Automatic Image Capturing System Applied to Identification Photo Booth 2016-05-23
103 / 1 Using Knock as Input Method for Designing the Home Security System 2016-05-23
103 / 2 Interactive Rhythm Learning System by Combining Robots and Tablet Computers 2016-05-23
104 / 2 Design of a Bicycle-Based Real-Time Information Feedback System 2016-09-13
105 / 1 SoEs: Attachable Augmented Haptic on Gaming Controller for Immersive Interaction 2016-12-05
105 / 2 Chinese FingerReader: A Wearable Device to Explore Chinese Printed Text 2017-11-07
106 / 1 BoEs: Attachable Haptics Bits On Gaming Controller For Designing Interactive Gameplay 2018-01-08
106 / 1 Tactile Braille Learning System to Assist Visual Impaired Users to Learn Taiwanese Braille 2018-01-08
106 / 2 AoEs+: Enhancing Locomotion Experience in Immersive Environments with Mid-Air Haptics 2018-06-07
109 / 1 Multijoint Robot Hand Design for Puppet Operations #優質教育 #永續城市與社區 2020-09-17
110 / 1 Effects of Olfactory Memory on Augmented Gustation #優質教育 2022-01-20
110 / 1 Discussion on the recent development of OTT platforms in Taiwan #優質教育 2022-01-20
110 / 1 A New Method of Visual Training for Amblyopia Using Binocular Training and Virtual Reality #良好健康和福祉 #優質教育 #減少不平等 2022-01-20
110 / 1 Garment Style Creator-Using StarGAN for Multi-Domain Garment Image-to-Image Translation #優質教育 #產業創新與基礎設施 2022-01-20