
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
095 / 2 新制教育實習方案之設計與實施:淡江大學的經驗 2011-05-23
095 / 2 新制實習下的實習教師自主空間:個案研究 2011-05-23
093 / 2 Globalization in the local context : How Taiwanese teachers implement reform 2010-06-16
089 / 2 Narrative challenge in multicultural history education : Why the additive approach 2010-06-16
087 / 1 Multicultural history teaching : What classroom teachers believe and practice about multicultural history 2010-07-21
093 / 1 The Peripheral mind : Developing without independent thinking? 2010-06-16
095 / 1 Do Disciplinary backgrounds matter? 2010-06-16
090 / 1 職前教師多元文化觀 : 人際關係取向 2010-06-16
094 / 2 網路專題學習應用於師資職前課程之行動研究 2010-06-16
098 / 2 Should National Identity be Taught? 2011-08-26
098 / 1 從國中教科書看「一個中國原則」變遷-以「兩岸關係」篇為例 2011-08-26
098 / 2 變動中的中國公民教育:中小學公民與歷史教科書分析 2011-08-26
082 / 2 Collaborating across cultures in education : demystifying the politics of difference 2011-09-11
085 / 1 Making sense of idea logical orientations in history teaching: Case studies of two preservice history teachers 2011-09-11
081 / 1 Toward analysis of Taiwanese and American "culture" on two women's experiences in school 2011-09-11
083 / 1 Two cases of prospective history teachers in reinvented methods course 2011-09-11
100 / 2 What Identities are Taiwanese and Chinese Students Inculcated by their History Textbooks? 2012-05-08
091 / 1 改革的變與不變:九年一貫實施個案研究 2014-09-26
098 / 2 弱勢學生的教學:教師類型及其信念與實踐 2014-09-26
095 / 2 國民教育輔導團員與一般教師之教學專業如能比較: 以歷史料為例 2014-09-23