
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
096 / 1 台灣輪胎產業之發展策略-以正新輪胎公司為例 2011-09-02
096 / 2 旅遊業電子商務管理之研究-以雄獅旅行社為例 2011-09-02
096 / 2 Higher Education Mergers: Implications form a Strategic Management Perspective 2011-09-02
097 / 2 臺灣公立大學財務績效之探討 2011-09-02
093 / 1 Higher Education Mergers in China 2011-09-02
096 / 1 台灣與中國大陸大學整併策略比較分析 2011-09-02
096 / 2 高等教育擴充後大學畢業生人力運用現況之探討 2011-09-02
097 / 1 大學畢業生在進入勞動市場前就業力之研究 2011-09-02
099 / 1 Financial accountability of American higher education 2012-05-22
096 / 1 臺灣與中國大陸大學整併策略比較分析 2012-05-22
100 / 2 中國大陸民辦高校發展與台資投入情況之研究 2012-06-06
101 / 2 Building a system of indicators to monitor the performance of national university funds in Taiwan. 2013-03-21
101 / 1 Internationalization and intercultural competency in higher education. 2013-03-21
101 / 1 Affordability and cost-sharing of higher education students in Taiwan. 2013-03-21
098 / 2 國民中小學教育人員及家長對弱勢學生教育之意見調查研究 2014-09-26
102 / 2 Customized talent training in higher education: The Taiwan experience. 2014-06-06
102 / 2 Examining the equity and efficiency of higher education finance in Taiwan 2014-06-06
101 / 2 Instructional Leadership in Taiwan: What We have Learned from Two Decades of Research 2014-06-06
101 / 2 Higher Education Student Loan Controversy in Taiwan: Any lessons from the income contingent loan scheme? 2015-06-02
102 / 2 Customized talent training in higher education: The Taiwan experience 2015-10-05
102 / 2 Examining the equity and efficiency of higher education finance in Taiwan 2015-10-05
103 / 2 Leading school for learning: Principal practices in Taiwan 2015-10-05
103 / 2 Cost-sharing and financing of higher education: An examination of the income, expenditure and debt of higher education students in Taiwan 2015-10-05
104 / 1 Repaying Student Loan: An Examination of Taiwanese College Students' Loan Literacy and Viewpoint on Current and Alternative Loan Repayment Schemes 2016-09-12
104 / 2 以色列高等教育創新創業人才培育之現況 2016-09-12
105 / 2 Leading Learning in the Asian School Context: The Case of Taiwan 2017-07-17
105 / 2 以色列大學與產業鏈接之創新生態系統 2017-07-17
105 / 2 The Entrepreneurial University and Knowledge Commercialization: An Examination of Technology Transfer in Israel 2017-07-17
105 / 2 Using Learning Community to Leverage School Change: A Taiwanese Case 2017-07-17