095 / 2 |
2011-08-24 |
094 / 2 |
2011-08-24 |
091 / 2 |
2011-08-24 |
092 / 2 |
2011-08-24 |
095 / 2 |
Flow experience as a moderator of the framing effect on purchase intention
2011-08-24 |
098 / 1 |
Internal social capital, external social capital, and synergies of knowledge
2011-08-24 |
098 / 1 |
Managing resources: A dynamic capabilities approach
2011-08-24 |
097 / 1 |
The dark side of relationships: A tensions-based view
2011-08-24 |
093 / 1 |
The effect of transaction trust on the relationship between travel agencies in e-commerce
2011-08-24 |
092 / 1 |
The influence of trust and interaction to the marketing capability and performance: An empirical study of information service industry
2011-08-24 |
101 / 1 |
2013-10-07 |
102 / 2 |
Examining export market orientation: antecedents, consequences, and moderator
2014-04-04 |
103 / 2 |
The antecedents and consequences of trust and distrust: a study of price-matching travel websites
2016-03-21 |
106 / 2 |
Interdependence structures and partner firm selection: a perspective from the competition
#04.優質教育 #17.夥伴關係
2018-10-25 |