
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
097 / 1 A content-based image retrieval system designed for Chinese ancient bronze images 2011-10-20
096 / 1 A Programming Model for Distributed Content-based Image Retrieval 2011-10-20
097 / 1 A study on the meta-data design for long-term digital multimedia preservation 2011-10-20
096 / 1 A Switchable DRM Structure for Embedded Device 2011-10-20
097 / 2 An Evaluation Method for Anti-virus Software 2011-10-20
097 / 1 An improved presentation method for relevance feedback in a content-based image retrieval system 2011-10-20
096 / 1 Layered Protection of Scalable Media Using Perceptually Removable Watermarks 2011-10-20
098 / 2 A Scheme for Network Service Integration by XMPP 2011-10-20
098 / 1 A Study on the Cache Miss Rate in a Genetic Algorithm Implementation 2011-10-20
098 / 1 Applications of Reversible Data Hiding Techniques with the Quick Response Codes 2011-10-20
099 / 1 Electrical Network Frequency as a Tool for Audio Concealment Process 2014-08-13
099 / 1 Preliminary Survey of Multiview Synthesis Technology 2014-08-13
098 / 1 Similarity-Based Watermarking for Sub-Sampling Images with Bacterial Foraging Techniques 2011-10-20
100 / 1 A study on ENF discontinuity detection techniques 2012-05-07
100 / 1 The Design of an XMPP-based Service Integration Scheme 2014-08-13
100 / 1 Content-Adaptive Multi-Level Data Embedding for Lossless Data Hiding 2012-05-07
099 / 2 An open-source enabled scheme for improved interactive whiteboard 2012-05-07
100 / 2 Reversible Data Hiding with Hierarchical Relationships 2012-05-07
100 / 2 A genetic programming based scheme for combining image operators 2014-08-13
100 / 2 Watermarking for compressive sampling applications 2014-08-13
101 / 1 運用混合式預測之醫學影像可逆資訊隱藏方法 2014-08-26
101 / 1 Reversible Data Hiding Using Prediction-based Adaptive Embedding 2014-08-14
101 / 2 An xmpp based service framework with a telecare application 2014-03-05
101 / 2 Reversible data hiding with prediction-based histogram alteration 2014-03-05
102 / 1 Prediction-based reversible data hiding with content characteristics 2014-03-05
102 / 1 Experiments on genetic programming based image artefact detection 2014-03-05
102 / 1 Lossless data hiding with genetic-based hybrid prediction 2014-03-05
102 / 1 Comparison on different random basis generator of a single-pixel camera 2014-03-05
103 / 1 Error-control for compressed sensing of images with multi-channel transmission 2015-02-07
103 / 1 Discussions on implementing iterative hard thresholding algorithm 2015-02-07
103 / 1 Reversible data hiding using enhanced prediction for progressive image transmission 2015-08-25
104 / 1 Visual cryptography for compressed sensing of images with transmission over multiple channels 2016-09-13
104 / 1 Design of an adapter service for web application transition 2016-09-19
104 / 1 Error resilient transmission for compressed sensing of color images with multiple description coding 2016-09-19
104 / 1 The analysis of reconstruction efficiency with compressive sensing in different k-spaces 2016-09-19
104 / 2 搭配 bch 碼於壓縮感知的有效傳輸 2016-09-19
104 / 2 適用於彩色影像之預估式可逆資訊隱藏 2016-09-19
105 / 1 Reversible data hiding with prediction-based multi-bit embedding and multi-level difference alteration 2017-03-09
105 / 1 Error control schemes for robust transmission with compressed sensing signals 2017-03-09
105 / 1 A design of genetic programming scheme with vliw concepts 2017-03-09
105 / 1 Robust transmission of compressed sensing signals with error correction codes 2018-01-08
106 / 1 Copyright protection for progressive image transmission with qr code and secret sharing applications 2019-02-18
106 / 1 Robust transmission techniques for block compressed sensing 2019-02-18
106 / 1 An improved design of program representation for genetic programming 2019-02-18
105 / 2 基於多重描述轉換編碼於壓縮感知的有效傳輸 2018-01-08
105 / 2 搭配 QR 碼之機密分享與資訊隱藏 2018-01-08
107 / 1 Multiple Watermarking for Compressed Sensing with Robust Transmission Applications 2019-04-24
107 / 1 Error resilient transmission for block compressed sensing of color images 2018-12-27
107 / 2 Enhancements of robust transmission for block compressed sensing with LASSO 2019-11-04
107 / 2 Error control for compressed sensing transmission with polar codes 2019-11-04
107 / 2 Discussions on capturing a watermarked image on an LCD monitor 2019-11-04
108 / 1 Unequal error protection for compressed sensing with polar codes #優質教育 2020-03-27
108 / 1 Error control and regression for block compressed sensing of color images #優質教育 2020-03-27
108 / 2 Learning the classroom automation preferences with low user intervention #優質教育 #產業創新與基礎設施 2020-05-07
108 / 2 Image recognition approach for expediting chinese cafeteria checkout process #優質教育 #產業創新與基礎設施 2020-05-07
108 / 2 Multi-purpose watermarking with QR code applications #優質教育 #產業創新與基礎設施 2020-05-07
108 / 2 Image-adaptive robust transmission for block compressed sensing #優質教育 #產業創新與基礎設施 2020-05-07
109 / 1 Error protection and correction for block compressive sensing over the binary symmetric channels #優質教育 #產業創新與基礎設施 2020-12-30
109 / 2 A design approach for software robustness #優質教育 #產業創新與基礎設施 2021-09-22
109 / 2 Effective transmission with color plane correlations for block compressed sensing #優質教育 #產業創新與基礎設施 2021-09-22
109 / 2 Reliable transmission with variable-sized block compressed sensing #優質教育 #產業創新與基礎設施 2021-09-22
109 / 2 Enhancements of data hiding applications with qr code concealment #優質教育 #產業創新與基礎設施 2021-09-22
110 / 1 Effective delivery for block-based compressed sensing with content characteristics #優質教育 #產業創新與基礎設施 2021-12-27
110 / 1 Comparisons of reconstruction capabilities for lossy transmission with block-based compressed sensing #優質教育 #產業創新與基礎設施 2022-03-10
110 / 2 Quadtree-based block compressed sensing for reliable transmission applications #優質教育 #產業創新與基礎設施 2022-09-13
110 / 2 Conditionals support in binary expression tree based genetic programming #優質教育 #產業創新與基礎設施 2022-09-13
111 / 1 Error resilience with adaptive measurement rate for block-based compressed sensing #優質教育 #產業創新與基礎設施 2023-02-07
112 / 1 Error control for block-based compressed sensing with quadtree partition concepts #優質教育 #產業創新與基礎設施 2023-12-06
112 / 1 Enhancements of visual secret sharing with quick response codes #優質教育 #產業創新與基礎設施 2023-12-06
113 / 1 Multiple Reversible Data Hiding With Module Shape Adjustments of Quick Response Codes #優質教育 #產業創新與基礎設施 2024-09-13