
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
094 / 1 Feng Shui as an environmental management tool 2010-06-16
085 / 1 An information processing model for the application of Devil's advocacy and dialectical inquiry in individual decision-making situations 2015-11-26
088 / 2 A study of Internet online shoppers' unplanned buying behavior 2010-06-16
084 / 2 大陸投資設廠評估的觀念性架構--以合資為例 2015-11-12
088 / 2 The applicability of devil's advocacy and dialectical inquiry in individual decision-making situations 2015-11-12
085 / 1 The impact of proximity on business ethics judgment : The case of crossing Taiwan straits 2015-11-12
089 / 1 Processing of conflicting information in individual decision-making situations 2010-06-16
091 / 1 The impact of Guanxi on transactional decisions 2015-11-12
086 / 2 電腦市場上消費者知覺風險與風險承擔策略之研究 2015-11-23
089 / 1 東方管理模式之關係(Guanxi)網路 2015-11-23
091 / 1 國軍「終身學習」推展對人員素質影響之評估 2015-11-23
088 / 2 從慈濟之經營理念探討營利事業之營運 2015-11-23
080 / 1 Cultural impact on devil's advocacy 2015-11-26
084 / 1 The impact of proximity on business ethics judgment: the case of crossing Taiwan straits 2015-11-26
085 / 1 Does moral issue matter? 2015-11-26
093 / 2 體驗行銷與品牌形象互動之探討 2015-11-26
094 / 1 網路購物消費者之價格敏感度研究 2015-11-26
085 / 1 地域遠近對企業倫理判斷的影響--以越過台灣海峽為例 2012-01-09
095 / 1 The Antecedents and Consequences of Market Driving Approach 2011-10-22
091 / 1 加入WTO後,我國汽、機車產業競爭行為與公平交易法之適用性探討 2014-07-07
089 / 2 女性消費者對廣告情感訴求之情感反應 2014-07-31
089 / 2 來源國印象與購買意願間關係之探討 2014-05-21
087 / 1 品牌印象、商店印象、與購買意願之相關性研究 2014-10-23
092 / 1 Optimal bank interest margin under a swaption valuation 2014-05-19
090 / 2 非價格促銷對消費者價格認知的影響 2014-10-23
092 / 1 加入WTO後台灣汽車產業之競爭分析 2014-05-21
088 / 2 不同生活型態之網際網路使用者其使用上網服務決策過程之研究 2014-07-31
092 / 2 品牌認同感與所有權效果對品牌延伸評價之影響 2014-07-31
101 / 2 The Functions of Distance Learning 2014-07-02
101 / 2 The impact of service quality for Taiwanese firms to enter the Chinese market 2013-09-27
093 / 2 技職校院在職進修部學生學習動機、學習滿意度與學習後行為關條之研究一以嶺東技術學院為例 2014-01-21
091 / 1 國軍終身學習推展對人員素質影響之評估 2014-05-22
090 / 1 非價格促銷對消費者價格認知的影響 2014-05-22
088 / 1 品牌印象、商店印象、與購買意願之相關性研究 2014-05-22
089 / 1 東方管理模式之關係 (Guan-Xi) 網路 2014-05-21
102 / 2 Courtesy costs nothing, maybe just your job: Chinese politeness and leadership 2014-07-15
103 / 2 On Management Strategies for the Dwindling University Students Enrollment in Taiwan 2015-04-07
104 / 2 Pursuing University World Rankings: the Balance Between Researching and Teaching for University Faculty 2016-05-23