104 / 2 |
原住民族諮詢同意機制與民主實踐 —從日月潭向山觀光旅館BOT案談起
2016-05-09 |
104 / 2 |
2016-12-06 |
104 / 2 |
The Change of the State's Role and Legal Strategies of High School Textbook Regulation: Some Reflections from the Anti-Curriculum Adjustment Movement in Taiwan
2018-04-26 |
105 / 1 |
2016-12-16 |
105 / 2 |
The Court’s Role in an Open Government: Cases in Taiwan as an Example
2018-04-25 |
106 / 2 |
2018-09-20 |
106 / 2 |
Comparative Legal Study on Indigenous People's Right to Land and Natural Resources
2018-09-20 |
107 / 2 |
The Governance of Independent Agencies- Starting from the Analysis of Taiwan Experience
2019-10-30 |
107 / 2 |
2019-10-30 |
109 / 1 |
當個人隱私遇上資訊公開:從歐洲人權 法院 Magyar Helsinki Bizottság 案談起
2021-04-06 |
110 / 2 |
The Legal Impact on Right to Privacy Brought by UAV Technology Development
2023-03-23 |
110 / 1 |
2023-03-24 |
111 / 2 |
The Regulation of Rumors During the Covid-19 Perspective- Starting from Taiwan Experience
2023-08-08 |