
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
099 / 2 Body Translation and Translating Body: Deterritorialization as Translation 2011-08-29
099 / 1 Connecting the Sympathetic and the Sympathized: Affective Translation in the Age of Globalization 2011-09-23
098 / 2 Body, Translation, and Genetic Code 2011-09-23
098 / 1 Apprenticeship vs. Awakening: On Gilles Deleuze and Walter Benjamin about their Studies of Proust 2014-10-01
097 / 1 Sense of Space as Affect: Istanbul in Some Works by Orhan Pamuk 2011-09-23
099 / 2 Reading Walter Benjamin's Body/Image in terms of Deleuzian Deterritorialization 2014-10-01
097 / 2 Translation as Crystallization into a Monad: On a Possible Alternative to Comparative Literature 2014-10-01
097 / 1 吸毒與生命書寫:論德昆西的《一個英國鴉片吸食者的自白》 2014-10-01
096 / 2 從班雅明的純粹語言觀談基因碼的轉譯 2014-10-01
093 / 1 亞太地區、漢字文化圈與全球化 2014-10-01
092 / 2 亞太地區與全球化理論 2014-10-01
092 / 1 Only the Flame itself Preserves the Enigma: The Past and the Issue of Genre in Rushdie's The Moor's Last Sigh 2014-10-01
090 / 1 大眾文化與業餘工匠:談後現代情境對人文思維的衝擊 2014-10-01
095 / 2 Towards an Area Literature in East Asia 2012-01-04
100 / 1 喚醒死者或採訪活人?—論赫西《廣島》的災難書寫 2012-01-04
100 / 2 Monads without Windows: The Contradictory Image of the Flaneur in Two Short Stories 2012-06-22
096 / 1 內容與形式:從德國浪漫主義的批評概念解讀德昆西的吸毒傳記 2012-10-26
093 / 2 翻譯與文學生產:全球化時代的東亞案例 2012-10-26
094 / 2 Translation and the Lost History: Global Language and Area Language in East Asia 2012-10-26
095 / 1 The Reception of Modernity in East Asia: Japan in the Encounter between China and the West 2012-10-26
095 / 2 Pure Language and Stem Cells: Elements of Theology in Language and Science 2012-10-29
095 / 1 American Studies Association 2012-10-29
101 / 1 Translation as Expression: Reinventing Benjamin's Language Philosophy 2012-12-26
096 / 1 翻譯與文學生產: 全球化時代的漢字文化圈 2014-09-25
100 / 2 Body Images and Politics of Affect in Hiroshima mon Amour 2013-05-29
101 / 2 Chaosmos and Aesthetics: A Study of William Blake’s Works 2013-07-24
101 / 2 Translation as Expression: Reinventing Walter Benjamin’s Language Philosophy 2013-07-25
102 / 1 從「表現」概念檢視翻譯:班雅明與西蒙東、海德格的科技對話 2013-10-31
094 / 1 切線輕觸圓周:由單子重探班雅明的翻譯理論 2014-08-07
094 / 1 維科與新人文思維:當代翻譯研究現況報告與省思 2014-08-07
099 / 2 Reading Walter Benjamin's Body/Image in terms of Deleuzian Deterritorialization 2014-10-01
103 / 2 Territorialization and East Asian Regional Literature 2015-09-14