
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
091 / 1 US policy toward both sides of Taiwan strait in the aftermath of the 16th CCP congress 2010-06-16
094 / 2 李登輝的兩國論與民進黨的崛起 2010-06-16
092 / 1 台灣總統大選中的民主政治與競選策略 2010-06-16
095 / 1 中國和平崛起中的美國因素與亞太地區美中競和關係 2010-06-16
094 / 2 美國各界如何看待馬英九美國行及其對美中台三邊關係的影響? 2010-06-16
087 / 2 TMD與台灣安全 : 台北的戰略選擇與展望 2010-06-16
092 / 2 American factor and cross strait relationship in transition 2010-06-16
095 / 1 美國期中選對台美關係的影響與我國的因應之道 2010-06-16
089 / 1 李登輝總統「兩國論」介入台灣大選之研析 2013-12-23
095 / 1 從2006中央外事工作會議看中共對外政策 2010-06-16
094 / 2 胡錦濤訪美與美中台三邊關係之走向 2010-06-16
095 / 1 從終統風波與過境風波及扁門案看修憲過程中的美中兩國因素 2010-06-16
092 / 1 The implications of North Korea, Iraq and cross-strait crisis for the US presidential election in 2004 2010-06-16
088 / 1 A decade of cross-strait exchanges : merits, demerits and prospects 2010-06-16
094 / 2 The Decision-Making Process of Clinton Administration on the Crisis of Taiwan Strait 2010-06-16
087 / 2 Old questions and new challenges-20years of the TRA enactment 2010-06-16
077 / 1 The myth of the Republican look on the electoral college 2010-06-16
077 / 1 New trends of US-USSR relations 2010-06-16
093 / 1 The role of the united states in cross strait dialogues 2010-06-16
086 / 2 Security, transparency and accountability : an analysis of R.O.C. arms acquisition process 2010-06-16
094 / 2 近一年來台美關係的互動與展望 2010-06-16
092 / 1 The impact of democratic politics on ROC's campaign strategies of the presidential elections 2010-06-16
093 / 2 Leadership Personality and Sino-U.S. Relations Since 1978 2010-06-16
090 / 2 New trends of U.S. Asian security policies and their implications for U.S. - China - Taiwan relations 2010-06-16
079 / 2 Current debates over Marxist theory in the People's Republic of China 2010-06-16
091 / 1 President Bush's Asian-pacific strategic deployment 2010-06-16
090 / 2 Conflict management and resolution of the South China Sea Incident of April 1-11, 2001: the American and Chinese experience 2011-04-19
078 / 1 The theoretical changes of Marxism and socialism in China since 1984 2010-06-16
092 / 1 US role in future Taipei-Beijing relations 2010-06-16
092 / 2 The U.S. factor in cross-strait relationship after 520 2010-06-16
094 / 2 國際戰略環境下的美中合作與競逐 2012-05-18
079 / 1 中國國民黨黨務革新與黨內民主 2010-06-16
091 / 2 美伊戰爭前後國際政經體系變遷與美中台三邊關係 2010-06-16
094 / 2 美中台新關係下我國的困境與出路 2010-06-16
089 / 1 從布希的外交藍圖看美國對華政策 2010-06-16
077 / 2 美國新政府擬議中的對蘇政策 2010-06-16
080 / 2 從冷戰時期美國危機處理新模式 2010-06-16
090 / 2 U.S. policy toward both sides of Taiwan strait after 911 2010-06-16
092 / 1 U.S. roles in cross-strait relations : Past, present, and future 2010-06-16
093 / 2 布什政府第二任期美國兩岸政策 2010-06-16
093 / 2 不再平衡的美國兩岸政策 2010-06-16
094 / 2 陳水扁執政下的美中台關係 2010-06-16
094 / 2 台灣安全戰略的大環境與因應之道 2010-06-16
080 / 1 從國際體系、博奕理論與談判學看兩岸談判 2010-06-16
081 / 1 「一個中國」的原則與創造性的模糊 2010-06-16
101 / 1 從國際關係理論看東海領土爭議與東北亞新形勢 2014-07-17
101 / 1 從攻勢現實主義看美國再平衡亞洲戰略 2014-07-17
101 / 1 The Decision-Making Process on the Controversial Issues over The Establishment of United Nations at the Dumbarton Oaks Conversations 2014-07-17
101 / 1 東海和平倡議對該地區國際政治經濟之影響 2014-07-17
101 / 1 從攻勢現勢主義看美國樞紐亞洲戰略 2014-07-17
101 / 1 東海危機對我國能源利益之影響與因應 2014-07-17
101 / 1 美大選後的美中台關係 2014-07-17
101 / 1 U.S. Strategy of Pivoting Asia from the Perspective of Offensive Realism 2014-07-17
100 / 2 The Cross-Strait and Taiwan-US Relations in the Aftermath of 2012 Two-in-One Election 2014-07-17
100 / 2 The Cross-Strait and Inter-Korean Relations from a Comparative Perspective 2014-07-17
101 / 1 U.S.-China-ROC Leadership Change: Its Impact on the Diaoyutai Island Group (DIG) and Beyond 2014-07-17
101 / 1 從國際關係理論看東海和平倡議之必要性 2014-07-17
101 / 1 美中臺關係學術研究的回顧與前瞻 2014-07-17
100 / 2 強化兩岸政治互信與國際合作 2014-07-17
100 / 2 兩岸穩中求進與深化合作的美國因素 2014-07-17
101 / 1 U.S.-China-ROC Leadership Change and Its Impact on Asia 2014-07-17
101 / 1 美國大選對美台與兩岸關係之影響 2014-07-17
101 / 1 十八大後中共對外政策對兩岸關係影響 2014-07-17
094 / 1 從軟硬權力對比看美中在東南亞的競逐 2014-08-07
100 / 1 南海風雲日急與我應有作為 2014-09-23
099 / 2 The Risk of Entrapment and Abandonment in the US-Taiwan Informal Alliance 2013-06-27
099 / 2 美國促成聯合國誕生的決策過程 2013-06-27
091 / 1 全球化下北京對華府與台北的政策 2013-12-23
102 / 1 U.S. Rebalancing Asia Policy in the Obama Administration 2014-03-28
102 / 1 How Does Taiwan Benefit from U.S. Rebalancing Asia Policy? 2014-03-28
102 / 1 Taiwan’s Perspective of U.S. Rebalancing Asia Policy. International Conference on Perspectives of the Indo-Pacific Region: Aspirations 2014-04-10
102 / 1 Enhancing the Role of Indonesia and Taiwan in Sustaining East-Asia Security and Stability 2014-04-03
102 / 1 ECSPI, Rebalance, and Taiwan’s Opportunities 2014-04-10
101 / 2 How Does Taiwan Benefit from U.S. Rebalancing Asia Policy? 2014-04-03
101 / 2 U.S. Rebalancing Asia Policy in President Obama’s Two Terms from a Comparative Perspective 2014-04-03
101 / 2 A Comparison of U.S. Rebalancing Asia Policy in President Obama’s Two Terms. 2014-04-03
101 / 2 The Adjustments of US Rebalancing Asia Policy . 2014-04-03
102 / 1 歐巴馬第二任期的再平衡亞洲政策 2015-04-08
102 / 1 台灣是美國再平衡亞洲政策的受益者嗎? 2014-04-15
102 / 1 美再平衡亞洲政策與台灣的機會 2014-04-03
102 / 1 台灣如何在美國再平衡亞洲政策中獲益? 2014-04-03
102 / 1 台美中關係的良性互動與兩岸關係的展望 2014-04-03
101 / 2 影響兩岸關係的其他因素:台北觀點 2014-04-03
101 / 2 歐巴馬第二任期再平衡亞洲政策 2014-04-03
100 / 2 U.S. Return to Asia and Its Impact on Taiwan‐U.S.‐China Relations 2014-04-23
094 / 2 美中台新關係下:我國困境與出路 2014-08-07
095 / 2 美日如何衡量馬英九與謝長廷 2014-08-07
102 / 2 太陽花運動對兩岸關係的影響 2015-04-08
103 / 1 從三波宗教/經濟理想主義與地緣政治/戰略現實主義看美國再平衡亞洲政策 2015-04-08
103 / 1 從三波宗教/經濟理想主義與地緣政治/戰略現實主義看美國的亞洲政策 2015-04-08
103 / 1 澄清或放棄於事無補 只會引發憲政風暴 2015-04-08
103 / 1 從三波宗教/經濟理想主義與地緣政治/戰略現實主義看美國的亞洲與中國政策 2015-04-08
102 / 2 U.S. Policy toward Asia: The Three Waves of Theological/Economic Idealism and Geo-Political/strategic Realism 2015-04-08
103 / 1 US Rebalancing Policy in East Asia and ROC’s Opportunity 2015-04-08
102 / 1 US Rebalancing Asia Policy and Taiwan’s Opportunity 2015-04-08
102 / 2 PRC-US Great Power Relationship and ROC’s Opportunity 2015-04-08
102 / 2 U.S. Rebalancing Asia Policy and Taiwan's Opportunity 2015-03-24
102 / 2 US-Japan-ROC Alliance Politics and Its Respective Relations with China 2015-03-24