
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
093 / 1 不同工作地域消防人員之體適能比較 2015-10-15
093 / 1 集中訓練對消防人員專業技能與體適能成績表現之影響 2015-10-15
089 / 2 Health-related physical fitness of males in Taipei : A three years study = 臺北地區男子體適能發展研究 2015-10-15
096 / 1 都會區消防人員身體組成分析之研究 2015-10-15
093 / 1 消防人員體適能檢測結果之分析-以屏東縣政府消防局消防人員為例- 2015-10-15
092 / 1 消防人員訓練成效與體適能檢測結果之分析-以台北市政府消防局救助對人員為例 2015-10-15
094 / 1 法務部監所基層管理人員體適能專項體能檢測結果之研究 2015-10-15
091 / 1 不同年齡層參與馬拉松賽的血液生化值之比較 2015-10-15
090 / 2 服用支鏈胺基酸對於馬拉松跑者的MDA的影響 2015-10-15
091 / 1 中老年人參與馬拉松競賽的生理效應 2015-10-15
099 / 2 A Case Study of Motivation Theory Apply in Professional Sports 2011-07-17
099 / 2 The PDCA cycle applied to improve the quality of service in University Stadium - A Case Study of TamKang University 2011-07-17
099 / 2 社群網路中基於規則空間模型藍紅樹之最佳學習順序 2011-09-11
094 / 1 開放性運動技能預期能力評估系統 2015-10-15
100 / 1 The best Learning Order Inference Based on Blue-Red Trees of Rule-Space Model for Social Network-Case in ITE Course 2011-12-21
099 / 1 To Build Web 2.0 Sports Knowledge Management Platform – A Case Study of Taiwan's Volleyball Development 2012-01-06
098 / 2 智慧型多功能計時蛙鏡之設計與模擬 2012-01-06
098 / 2 數位典藏在運動資產保存上的應用-以排球文物資料館為例 2012-01-06
099 / 2 以PDCA循環應用在提升大學體育場館服務品質之研究-以淡江大學為例 2013-05-21
102 / 1 慣性感測器應用於捷泳技術分析之研究 2013-12-12
102 / 2 A Real-time Sign Language Recognition System for Hearing and Speaking Challengers 2014-08-08
101 / 2 Non-Visual Document Recognition for Blind Reading Assistant System 2017-05-02
104 / 1 慣性感測器用於捷泳划手次數分析 2016-05-09
105 / 2 Deriving the Best Learning Path for Freestyle Swimming from the Rule-Space Model 2017-03-06
105 / 2 comparison of sensor analysis for swimming in different position 2017-06-01
106 / 1 Stroke Parameters Analysis of Different Levels Swimmers 2018-09-13
108 / 1 Study of exploring the occurrence and related strategies of drowning in Chinese Taipei by spatial econometric 2019-11-11
105 / 2 InstantGaming: Playing Somatosensory Games Using Smartwatches and Portable Devices 2021-02-24
104 / 2 A study of 3D Strike-Zone Design and Its Track Based on Kinect v2 2021-02-24