
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
087 / 1 使用快速二維離散小波轉換於影像壓縮 2015-10-15
087 / 1 結合磁碟分區特性之變動速率資料擺放與擷取技術 2015-10-15
090 / 1 A personal agent system for office environment 2015-10-22
086 / 2 An object-oriented application framework for distributed multimedia 2010-06-16
085 / 1 An integrated platform for multimedia presentation 2010-06-16
087 / 1 Testing and metrics for concurrent computation based on rendezvous mechanism 2010-06-16
088 / 1 The design of lecture on demand and lecture editing for distance learning 2010-06-16
081 / 1 Petri-net-based object-oriented modeling of graphical direct-manipulation user interface systems 2010-06-16
084 / 2 A linear code approach to fully recognition subcubes in processor allocation of hypercubes 2010-06-16
085 / 1 Multicast in incrementally extensible hypercube (IEH) graphs 2010-06-16
086 / 1 Embedding a complete binary tree into a faulty supercube 2014-10-15
085 / 1 Embedding hamiltonian cycles on incrementally extensible hypercube graphs 2010-06-16
084 / 1 Embedding rings onto the incrementally extensible hypercube graph 2010-06-16
085 / 2 Finding hamiltonian cycles on incrementally extensible hypercube graphs 2014-10-14
088 / 1 A new methodology for software design based on software analysis model 2010-06-16
088 / 2 The application of mobile storage techniques in distance learning-an electronic notebook 2010-06-16
080 / 1 A quantitative analysis for different software testing criteria 2014-06-05
088 / 1 Design of a cyber English conversation and writing clinic 2010-06-16
088 / 2 Content-based image retrieval with intensive signature in shape matching 2011-10-24
079 / 2 Direct-manipulation user interface modeling with high-level petri nets 2011-10-24
086 / 2 Distributed framework for multimedia application design 2011-10-24
085 / 1 Formal specification of multimedia database modeling with Z notations 2011-10-24
078 / 1 Help pe2 : colored-retvi-net-bassed hypermedia help system designer 2011-10-24
081 / 1 Object-oriented design metric based on inheritance 2011-10-24
086 / 1 Multimedia presentation designs using spatial/temporal relations 2014-10-14
093 / 1 智慧型盲人預警監控及導引網路系統 2013-03-07
093 / 2 二階段局部特徵強化分類系統建置 2014-03-27
089 / 2 Software Systems toward Future Education 2013-12-30
081 / 1 Petri-Net-Based Object-Oriented Modeling of Graphical Direct-Manipulation User Interface Systems 2014-06-06
082 / 2 C++之物體導向應用程式架構 An Object-Oriented Application Framework in C++ 2014-06-06
088 / 1 虛擬英文會話寫作學習環境之設計 Designing of Cyber English Conversation and Writing Clinic 2014-06-06
088 / 1 遠距教學之教材編輯及隨選系統設計 2014-06-06
094 / 1 校務行政無線資訊平台最入行動代理人機制-以無線成績輸入系統為例 2014-06-18
093 / 2 A Hierarchical Dynamic Monitoring Mechanism for Mobile Agent Location 2014-10-18
102 / 1 Building Long-Distance Health Care Network Using Minimized Portable Sensors and Active Alert System 2014-11-03
103 / 1 An Enterprise Resource Planning-Based Hospital Information System, Operating Room Resource Management System 2014-11-03
103 / 1 Using discovery prototyping method to develop customized operating room’s medical resources and billing system of medical center in Taiwan 2014-11-03
102 / 1 Using Decision Tree to Analyze Relation between Aortic Aneurysm and Chronic Diseases in Clinical Application 2014-11-03
100 / 1 A Research on the Introduction of Content Evaluation Indicators into E-book Reading Framework through Cloud Service 2014-11-05
098 / 2 於Android平台上建構戶外體育課程教學及測驗模式之行動校務應用 2014-11-05
098 / 2 嵌入溝通代理人機制並整合校務行政資訊系統於行動學習環境中-以體育課程為例 2014-11-05
097 / 2 運用行動代理人溝通協調機制建構智慧行動學習環境 2014-11-05
097 / 1 即時性選課系統嵌入圖形辨識機制 2014-11-05
096 / 1 校園e化嵌入行動代理人機制以電腦教室自由上機管理系統為例 2014-11-05
102 / 2 Big Data Generation:Application of Mobile Healthcare 2015-03-13
102 / 2 The Application of Association Rules in Clinical Disease: The Relationship between Recovery after Operation of Endovascular Aneurysm Repairing and Chronic. 2015-03-16
086 / 1 Object-oriented software quality through data scope complexity measurement 2015-07-21
086 / 1 Software testing and metrics for concurrent computation through task decomposition 2015-07-21