
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
095 / 1 European Journal of Operational Research 2007-03-14
095 / 1 IICM 2007-03-14
095 / 1 Information Sciences 2007-03-14
096 / 1 管理與系統 2007-09-21
095 / 2 SOFT COMPUTING 2007-09-21
097 / 1 Computers & Industrial Engineering 2013-03-06
099 / 1 Reliability, IEEE Transactions On 2013-03-06
099 / 2 Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering 2013-03-06
099 / 2 管理與系統 2013-03-06
100 / 1 中山管理評論 2013-03-06
100 / 2 European Journal of Operational Research 2013-03-06
100 / 2 Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 2013-03-06
101 / 1 International Journal of Quality, Statistics, and Reliability 2013-03-06
103 / 1 IJITDM 2015-01-14
103 / 1 APM 2015-01-14
105 / 1 IJITDM-D-16-00116 2016-10-25
105 / 1 管理與系統_MS05052 #優質教育 2016-10-25
107 / 1 管理與系統 MS07037 paper review #優質教育 2019-05-16
106 / 2 International Journal of Business and Systems Research #優質教育 2019-05-16
112 / 1 管理與系統期刊審稿 #優質教育 2024-02-22