094 / 2 |
European Journal of Operational Research
2006-11-30 |
095 / 1 |
European Journal of Operational Research
2006-11-30 |
095 / 1 |
International Journal of Systems Science
2006-11-30 |
095 / 2 |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research
2009-03-09 |
094 / 2 |
International Journal of Production Economics
2009-03-10 |
096 / 2 |
2009-03-10 |
097 / 1 |
2009-03-10 |
095 / 1 |
International Journal of Production Economics
2009-03-10 |
096 / 1 |
International Journal of Production Economics
2009-03-10 |
096 / 2 |
International Journal of Production Economics
2009-03-10 |
097 / 1 |
International Journal of Production Economics
2009-03-10 |
096 / 1 |
Tamsui Oxford Journal of Mnagement Sciences
2009-03-10 |
096 / 2 |
Applied Mathematical Modelling
2009-03-10 |
096 / 1 |
Annals of Operations Research
2009-03-10 |
096 / 1 |
Computers & Industrial Engineering
2009-03-10 |
096 / 2 |
Computers & Industrial Engineering
2009-03-10 |
097 / 1 |
Computers & Industrial Engineering
2009-03-10 |
095 / 2 |
European Journal of Operational research
2009-03-10 |
096 / 2 |
European Journal of Operational Research
2009-03-10 |
097 / 1 |
European Journal of Operational research
2009-03-10 |
095 / 2 |
International Journall of Inventory Research
2009-03-10 |
097 / 1 |
International Journal of Inventory Research
2009-03-10 |
096 / 1 |
International Journal of Operational Research
2009-03-10 |
096 / 1 |
International Journal of Operations Research
2009-03-10 |
096 / 1 |
International Journal of Systems Science
2009-03-10 |
096 / 2 |
International Journal of Systems Science
2009-03-10 |
097 / 1 |
International Journal of Systems Science
2009-03-10 |
095 / 2 |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research
2009-03-10 |
096 / 1 |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research
2009-03-10 |
097 / 2 |
Production Planning & Control
2009-03-10 |
097 / 2 |
International Journal of Systims Science
2009-10-17 |
098 / 1 |
International Journal of Production Economics
2009-10-17 |
097 / 2 |
Transportation Research Part E
2009-10-17 |
097 / 2 |
Production Planning and Control
2009-10-17 |
097 / 2 |
International Journal of Systems Science
2009-10-17 |
097 / 2 |
Central European Journal of Operations Research
2009-10-17 |
097 / 2 |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research
2009-10-17 |
098 / 1 |
Central European Journal of Operations Research
2009-11-09 |
098 / 1 |
International Journal of Production Economics
2009-11-23 |
098 / 1 |
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
2010-01-12 |
098 / 1 |
European Journal of Operational Journal
2010-03-13 |
098 / 1 |
International Journall of Systems Science
2010-01-12 |
098 / 2 |
International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management
2010-03-13 |
098 / 2 |
European Journal of Operational research
2010-04-23 |
098 / 2 |
TOP An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research
2010-06-01 |
098 / 2 |
International Journal of Systems Science
2010-07-15 |
098 / 2 |
International Journal of Production Economics
2010-12-24 |
099 / 1 |
International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics
2011-04-25 |
099 / 1 |
2011-04-25 |
099 / 2 |
International Journal of Production Economics
2011-04-25 |
099 / 2 |
2011-04-25 |
099 / 1 |
Computers & Industrial Engineering
2011-04-25 |
099 / 2 |
Computers & Industrial Engineering
2011-04-25 |
101 / 2 |
Journal of Applied Statistics
2013-05-05 |
100 / 1 |
IIE Transactions
2013-05-06 |
100 / 1 |
International Journal of Systems Science
2013-05-06 |
100 / 1 |
Computers & Industrail Engineering
2013-05-06 |
100 / 2 |
Internation Journal of Systems Science
2013-05-06 |
100 / 2 |
International Journal of Production Research
2013-05-06 |
101 / 1 |
European Journal of Operation Research
2013-05-06 |
101 / 1 |
Applied Mathematical Modelling
2013-05-06 |