
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
093 / 1 Comparisons and Sensitivity Study for Investigation of Factors of Work Sampling Models 2010-06-16
086 / 1 A bayesian approach to loss robustness #優質教育 2016-11-09
096 / 1 Pricing real abandonment options on severval R&D investment projects #優質教育 2017-03-15
097 / 1 Does Foreign Investors Trade Predict Stock Return ? Evidence from Taiwan 2010-08-09
093 / 1 零售業RSQS模式下服務品質、生活型態、商店屬性之實證研究 2011-10-20
084 / 1 On local sensitivity measures in bayesian analysis 2011-10-20
094 / 2 Testing Quality Assurance Using Process Capability Indices Cpu and Cpl Based on Several Group of Samples with Unequal Sizes 2013-12-06
099 / 2 The economic lot size of the integrated vendor-buyer inventory system derived without
 derivatives : A simple derivation 2014-12-17
100 / 2 Seller’s optimal credit period and replenishment time in a supply chain with up-stream and down-stream trade credits 2014-03-12
100 / 2 An improved algorithm and solution on an integrated production-inventory model in a three-layer supply chain 2014-03-12
100 / 1 A comprehensive extension of optimal ordering policy for stock-dependent demand under progressive payment scheme 2013-06-11
097 / 2 An Additive Scale Model for the Analytic Hierarchy Process #優質教育 2017-06-14
099 / 1 The optimal ordering policy with trade credit under two different payment methods 2014-05-02
101 / 2 Optimal economic order quantity for buyer–distributor–vendor supply chain with backlogging derived without derivatives 2014-04-28
101 / 2 A comprehensive extension of an integrated inventory model with ordering cost reduction and permissible delay in payments 2014-04-28
101 / 1 Sustainable Development of Electrical and Electronic Equipment: User-driven Green Design for Cell Phones 2014-04-28
102 / 1 Optimal trade credit and order quantity when trade credit impacts on both demand rate and default risk 2014-10-16
103 / 1 Optimal trade credit and lot size policies in economic production quantity models with learning curve production costs #優質教育 2015-11-30
102 / 1 Computers & Industrial Engineering 2014-10-30
102 / 1 Journal of the Operational Research Society 2014-10-30
101 / 2 International Journal of Systems Science 2014-10-30
101 / 2 Applied Mathematical Modelling 2014-10-30
101 / 1 Business Strategy and the Environment #優質教育 2016-12-27
101 / 1 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 2014-10-30
100 / 2 Journal of Global Optimization 2014-10-30
100 / 2 International Journal of Production Economics 2014-10-30
100 / 1 European Journal of Operational Research 2014-10-30
099 / 2 Applied Mathematics and Computation 2014-10-30
104 / 1 Nash and integrated solutions in a just-in-time seller–buyer supply chain with buyer's ordering cost reductions #優質教育 2016-08-04
107 / 1 Potential of bioenergy production from biomass wastes of rice paddies and forest sectors in Taiwan #優質教育 2019-09-02
108 / 2 Monitoring role of institutional investors and acquisition performance: Evidence from East Asian markets #優質教育 2021-07-08
106 / 2 Equity issuances and agency costs: Additional evidence from East Asia markets #優質教育 2021-05-10