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MDD–SOH: exploiting maximal dependence decomposition to identify S-sulfenylation sites with substrate motifs
2023-02-28 |
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Stock Price Movement Prediction Using Sentiment Analysis and CandleStick Chart Representation
2023-02-28 |
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Artist-based painting classification using Markov random fields with convolution neural network
2024-01-19 |
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Reduction of Artefacts in JPEG-XR Compressed Images
2023-03-10 |
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FedSGDCOVID: Federated SGD COVID-19 Detection under Local Differential Privacy Using Chest X-ray Images and Symptom Information
2023-03-10 |
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Sketch-guided Deep Portrait Generation
2023-03-10 |
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Sentiment Analysis by Lexical Analysis Combined with Machine Learning, International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing & Its Applications
2023-08-22 |
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Non-destructive classification of melon sweetness levels using segmented rind properties based on semantic segmentation models
2023-08-22 |
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MASPP and MWASP: Multi-Head Self-Attention Based Modules for UNet Network in Melon Spot Segmentation
2024-05-16 |
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Recent Progress in Machine Learning Approaches for Predicting Carcinogenicity in Drug Development
2024-05-30 |