
教師資料查詢 | 教師:施國琛

# 學年期 類別 標題
571 93-1 參與國際學術活動 The 2004 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME’2004) Conference Co-Chair
572 92-1 參與國際學術活動 The 2003 International Workshop on Mobile Systems, E-commerce and Agent Technology (MSEAT'2003) Honorary Workshop Chair
573 91-2 參與國際學術活動 The Second International Human.Society@Internet Conference Region Program Committee Co-Chair
574 92-1 參與國際學術活動 The 2003 International Conference on Information Technology: Research and Education (ITRE’03) Technical Track Chair
575 90-2 參與國際學術活動 Symposium of the 5th Anniversary Event of NSC-NRC Collaborative Research Program Local Arrangement Co-Chair
576 91-1 參與國際學術活動 The 2002 International Computer Symposium Publicity Chair
577 91-1 參與國際學術活動 The 2002 International Workshop on Mobile Systems, E-commerce and Agent Technology (MSEAT'2002) Honorary Workshop Chair
578 91-2 參與國際學術活動 The 2003 International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA'03) Program Vice Chair
579 91-1 參與國際學術活動 The 9th Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM'03) Technical Program Co-Chair
580 91-1 參與國際學術活動 The 8th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS’2002) Program Co-Chair
581 90-2 參與國際學術活動 The 4th International Workshop on Multimedia Network Systems and Applications (MNSA'2002) Workshop Co-Chair
582 90-2 參與國際學術活動 Track of Distribute Multimedia Systems, the 22nd International Conference on Distributed Computing S Program Committee Vice Chair
583 90-2 參與國際學術活動 The Second International Workshop on Intelligent Multimedia Computing and Networking (IMMCN'2002) Workshop Chair
584 90-1 參與國際學術活動 The 2001 Conference on Multimedia, Images and Graphics (CMIG’2001) Advisory Committee Member
585 90-1 參與國際學術活動 Special Session on Multimedia Presentations, the Second IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia Special Session Chair
586 89-2 參與國際學術活動 The First Pacific Asia Human.Society@Internet Conference Country Region Program Committee Chair
587 90-1 參與國際學術活動 The 7th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS’2001) Program Committee Co-Chair
588 89-2 參與國際學術活動 The 3rd International Workshop on Multimedia Network Systems (MNS'2001) Workshop Co-Chair
589 89-1 參與國際學術活動 The 2000 International Conference on Computer Assisted Instruction and Internet Computing (CAIIC’200 Local Arrangement Chair
590 89-1 參與國際學術活動 The Second International Workshop on Software Engineering and Multimedia Applications (SEMA'2000) International Advisor
591 88-2 參與國際學術活動 The 2nd International Workshop on Multimedia Network Systems (MMNS'2000) Workshop Co-Chair
592 88-2 參與國際學術活動 The 2000 Workshop on Virtual University for Multilingual Education (ICCLC'2000) Program Committee Chair
593 88-2 參與國際學術活動 The Seventh International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS’2000) Vice Program Chair
594 88-2 參與國際學術活動 The First International Workshop on Intelligent Multimedia Computing and Networking (IMMCN'2000) Workshop Chair
595 88-1 參與國際學術活動 The First International Workshop on Software Engineering and Multimedia Applications (SEMA'99) Workshop Chair
596 86-2 參與國際學術活動 The 5th Pacific Workshop on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS’98) Program Committee Co-Chair
597 86-1 參與國際學術活動 Special Session on Multimedia Computing and Networking, the 8th International Conference on Systems Program Committee Co-Chair
598 93-1 參與國際學術活動 The 2004 International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT2004) Conference Session Chair
599 91-2 參與國際學術活動 The 2003 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME'2003) Conference Session Chair
600 91-2 參與國際學術活動 The 2003 International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA'03) Conference Session Chair