
學年 97
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2009-05-01
作品名稱 The analysis of an extended average cost inventory model for reverse logistic planning
作品名稱(其他語言) 逆物流平均成本存貨延伸模型之研究分析
著者 林長青; Lin, Chang-ching; 張懿德; Chang, Yi-te
單位 淡江大學經營決策學系
出版者 中國工業工程學會
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 工業工程學刊 = Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers 26(3), pp.157-164
摘要 由於環保意識的抬頭及資源再生的觀念普及,推行產品逆物流系統以執行產品回收、貯存、處理系統流程之管理及控制越顯重要。本研究將探討逆物流系統的運作並研究逆物流存貨模式現有架構之延伸可能性。本研究將以Teunter and van der Laan [6]提出的逆物流平均成本存貨模式爲基礎,考量加入分解場之原料回收分解再利用功能,使其涵蓋終期產品、回收原料及回收原件之體系,期望推導出較完整之逆物流平均成本存貨延伸模型。研究目的除推導出總成本數學模式,並希望能找出最佳的新原料訂購批量、回收中心修復量與分解場分解量之相互關係。最後研究中將比較原有逆物流存貨模式與延伸模式之基因演算法計算之結果,以求得較佳之逆物流存貨政策,使整體逆物流網路規劃能具有較佳決策模型。 Because of the increasing environmental consciousness and prevalence of resources reviving concept, promoting products reverse logistic system in order to carry out products recycling and remanufacturing has became a very important issue. This paper focuses on reverse logistic system planning by investigating end-of-life (EOL) product material flow and inventory management models. Based on the research of reverse logistic average cost inventory model by Teunter and van der Laan [6], we suggest an extended reverse logistic inventory model, which includes the operation of product decomposing in order to carry out parts and materials recycling, reusing and remanufacturing in the system. By adding such a capability, our goal is to conduct an extended inventory total cost model evaluation in order to achieve a better environmental awareness decision for reverse logistic planning. In the paper, the GA mathematic algorithm is used as a tool to analyze results of average cost inventory model for constructing a better reverse logistic planning decision model.
語言 en
ISSN 1017-0669
期刊性質 國外
國別 SGP
出版型式 ,電子版

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