
學年 111
學期 1
服務開始日期 2022-11-03
服務結束日期 2022-11-03
中文姓名 張勝雄 Sheng-hsiung Chang
服務單位名稱 國企系
擔任職務 UCL request for reference for Ms HENG-HSUAN CHU
服務性質 4
備註 Dear Sheng-Hsiung Chang Ms HENG-HSUAN CHU is applying to study at UCL and has nominated you to provide a reference for this application. We would be grateful if you could take the time to provide this reference. The application is for: Title - MSc Management. Code - TMSMANSING01 Sequence - 0040 Academic year - 2023/24 Mode of attendance - Full-time Start Date - 25/Sep/2023 Please click on the link below. You do not require a username and password to log into the referee's portal. If the link takes you to a login page requiring a username and password then it will be because the link below has split. Please copy and paste the FULL LINK into your browser address box. If you are a member of UCL staff please ensure you have logged out of any other Portico session and do not log in again until after the reference has been submitted. You will also have the ability to decline to provide a reference should you wish to. https://evision.ucl.ac.uk/urd/sits.urd/run/siw_sso.signon?SSO=syoTGiEWg3yFgFPETBrt1eshpLMScY-feaEkig1_Bg1xVYjzmiJJZGYyJke-z_SFUNV1CHExBTvddXLsk3dHJAboc8gjLgK9CTM9FkJ2qlgvYiV2vBew8w_k2RIn35JxJtqG0A9hHjfDLehze763TazkVqDojjkLNMqXCaQR4O_ZKVYoj_4I2K8yo6B4IdKDmsSjez_oL94tNdNv4xSq250SF6BNc5VE1VTErZZc78V-tOnKZecwUARMsxXxpjXn3khVGluqf2LdCLp9ybKT1OCb47izfc3ftScy7Bkn0dCfAU8VLGZLTkW1iLvN3HY1z-AI6I6k1tqAGuBJJtpxY5jhyv9uwd5ozxrWdnH50jTPboaUKPdBFNlbSmniGOFaiU4qBuogCImAKYytwuKqHeUSQPb1x0zTYNI49IcrvLnCQk1eLZQo-QsOn3j0wmVqB2O4SI-FBgL9P3MtEZ_wIrGk_8PSCrV9NSlo6NR70n8&IV=AD49942C5A7C11ED When you click on the link you will have these options: - Complete an online form including a space where you can copy and paste a pre-prepared statement. - Upload a reference document. You will have the option to download a UCL reference form to complete or, if you would prefer, to upload an existing reference in Word or PDF format. Please note that we strongly encourage you to use Word rather than PDF as PDF can cause problems with merging documents after an application is submitted. Our preference is that all references are received in the format provided in the online form or existing Word document. - Decline to provide a reference if you feel unable to act as a referee for Ms HENG-HSUAN CHU. Once your reference is complete or you have declined you will receive an acknowledgement email. Please note that this link will expire in 30 days from the date of this email. If your link has expired, please contact the named applicant who has requested the reference as they will be able to send you a new reference request email with a working link via their Student Portal account. Your reference will be treated in confidence as far as is reasonably practicable. However UCL may be required to disclose a reference under certain circumstances, for example if required to do so by law or to meet a request by a court or third party. As such, UCL cannot guarantee that information provided in any reference will be kept confidential. For further information about how your personal data will be treated please see UCL’s Privacy Policy pages at: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/legal-services/privacy. If you have any technical difficulties please contact Admissions by email at referees.pgadmissions@ucl.ac.uk or on +44 (0)20 8059 0939. Please be assured that the security enabled for the link above meets international standards. If you have any concerns regarding the use of this link please contact your local system administrator. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Yours sincerely UCL Admissions